Mom has been in Assisted Living for 3 and half years in New York State. She was admited with a diagnosis of Alzheimer's at 84 y.o(now 88 y.o.) and we were assured that they could address her needs as her Alzheimier's progressed and when unable she would be placed in their Nursing Home. They have 3 tiers of care and my Mom is on the second tier of care at this time. There has been no prior discusion with any of us kids that there were any concerns and suddenly we are told(via the phone meeting no nothing) that they can no longer meet our Mom's needs. They only told us she is not happy, unsettled and lost.....yes she has Alzheimier's. She was mild Alzhheimers when admited and is now moderate. In the last few months she has been crying more(her memory MD increased her Zoloft as of yesterday....they gave us names of Alzheimier's Unit's our Mom might be qualified for too), been more confused the last few months, some days she knows her children(there are a number of us), some days she doesn't. She now basically doesn't know her Grandchildren and is now forgetting her youngest is gut renching. My Mom fortunately has stayed sweet, she has become very child-like, she is not a behavioral problem except for the crying and wanting us children( she can't remember that we just visited or that she has had visitors or spoke on the phone )...Her short term memory is now severely affected. All of us kids are in shock because my Mom's care has spent down a good portion of her money. We were told when it was all gone they would adjust the payment and accept her Social Security and the money she gets because our Dad had Veterans Disability coming in due to being shot in WW2....Iwo Jima. He set it up so he took less long ago so there would be money coming in for my Mom should he pass first which he did....thank-you Dad for looking so far ahead. We initially took care of Mom at home but it got where we couldn't. We thought we had everything set. It has been recommended as of yesterday we look at Alzheimier's Memory Units but we've also been told we might not have enough money left for her to qualify. We have been told she does not qualify for Nursing home and we agree. At this time she can still ambulate in her small apartment indepently and use a walker for distance(outside her diningroom, etc). The staff gives her meds, and supervises her dressing(she has trouble getting clothes on), she is still indepent with toileting and showering(though showering probably no longer). Since this past summer she has been unable to take part in various outtings that were offered which she enjoyed and now spending more time in her apartment due to her advancing Alzheimier's. In 3 and a half years she has one documented fall, interestingly the fall was last week that sent her to the hospital( fell getting out of the shower and bumped her head).....went as precaution(also routine after fall) because she is on blood thinner for atrial fib and sent back to AL a few hours later and ok. She has been in relatively good health though recently had a UTI and an URI.....she has been quite healthy over the last 3 years. To get to the point have others dealt with this? We are only 3 days into this. We are in the process of finding out our mother's rights, making a plan to calm down and speak with cool heads to her Assisted Living...they said they are giving us more than the usual 30 days to make new arrangements...lovely huh!!!!!!! They still have not approached us other than the phone call, nothing yet about why, offer suggestions or support. We have not told our Mom until we know what is up and have a plan and will only tell her last point any sooner. She likes the staff, has a sisiter-ih-law there(they are buddies) and she tells us frequently if I have to be some place this is a good place to be and everyone is so good to me. She is sad and cries because she misses our Dad, and her old life and she knows she is loosing her I'm crying...all us siblings are crying. We thought we did the very best for our Mom. We are hoping and praying she will qualify for an Alzheimier's Memory Unit. We all were very happy with the staff and our Mom's care and numerous staff had told us our Mom is such a sweetheart. We never saw this coming. Any suggestionsor advise?
My mother-in-law at 97 is fighting additional help. We have an aide 3 days a week for 4 hours per day and trying to get another aid in for 2 days....we made arrangements and she fired her. She likes her one aide and wants know one else. She has developed some digestive issues....constipation and than takes to much medicine, prunes, etc and ends up with severe diahrea. The MD has told her what to do but she won't listen( I really don't think she comprehends) one time she took care of these issues....knew how to take care of bowel issues but really doesn't get it anymore. Her answer right now is to eat little to nothing.....her aid is trying to encourage her to eat and when the aid is not there us getting food to her.....she won't come hardly at all to our house...says she is to weak. She is getting increasingly unsteady on her feet, insist on sleeping upstairs yet...recently calling me to come help her get down the stairs in the morning because she is afraid she might fall. I was over there today and her aid asked if I could be a bit more mother-in-law acts like we are never husband immerses himself in work and I do what I can. It is lately getting to a point where she is needing more physical assistance. I feel bad, and yes guilty...I don't want to clean up poop, diahrea, see my mother-in-law naked where she needs assistance cleaning is only going to get worse. It seems I can't help but get drawn in. I worked in the health field for years...Physical Therapist......and use to have a strong stomach but not any more. The hardest part with my mother-in-law is I don't know if I'll have Dr. Jeckyll or Mr. Hyde when I go over to help out.
My mom got the notice that her assisted living could not care for her, and we were sad because it was basically a very nice place, BUT - we found one that turned out to be a better fit and she actually did a little better there for a while too. It is hard to think about going through the whole process all over again, but it could turn out OK. I know exactly where I would recommend looking into if you lived near me in central Arkansas (because I toured A LOT of facilities before deciding, and used to take pictures and show Mom, to make sure she liked the looks of it too, though that also netted a couple of rejections out of hand :-)
Please ask the Veterans' Agent to check and see if his death might now be considered service related. The list of presumptive illnesses has been updated several times over the last few years. My DIC is $1200 a month, tax free. I am fortunate to have earned a good retirement, but I know that for some widows the DIC and other VA benefits make the difference from barely existing to living. The Gold Star Wives organization provides lots of useful info for veterans' widow(er)s.
I believe the website is GSW. I know how important it was to my husband that he left me well taken care of, so I am confident your Dad would like the same for your Mom.
Question might be, Mom is on their "2nd tier" of care, why not move her to the 3rd tier?
Since she fell, the 2nd tier may feel the liability is too great to keep her in it,
but, they feel she is not quite bad enuf to warrant the 3rd tier....
OTH, no matter where she gets moved, the probability is that she will become more confused, & will not recover her remaining wits, once moved
--elders, even ones without Alzheimers, have difficulty coping with moves--even down the hall, much less to a different facility....AND, Mom would lose contact with her best friend there--BOTH of them suffer that loss, and it will adversely affect both of them.
If she were moved to the facility's 3rd tier, she'd warrant that level of care, shortly.
But at least, there would be a greater likelihood both could keep in a bit of contact--which could help both.
Wondering if that argument might help the facility Mom is in, to keep her where she is, or, at least only move her to their 3rd tier, to keep both old gals in contact.
My sister and I had agreed to care for mom (dementia) so I took the first two months. She then took two months. Mom came back to me and my sister declared she was done--that she could not do it anymore. I had her almost 3 months and I am still working full time. My sister's guilt got to her and returned to say she would take her back, "but for only 1 month." My mom has been with her for only 10 days and I believe has stepped off of a ledge.
She is anxioius. She is hallucinating. She believes women come and beat her at night. She is so unsettled.
So with this break I badly needed, my sister has called me constantly saying she is done again. She says mom has to go somewhere and that she cannot do this.
I feel horribly guilty because I know I should have just kept mom here. I read over and over that moving someone around with dementia is horrible and that I / we are doing mom more harm than good. Are we?
When I have mom, it is crazy and stressful, but it isn't like how my sister is describing her right now. When I talk to mom on the phone, she is CLEARLY out of sorts that someone is going to come and take her and place her in a "home." Nursing home that is.
The guilt is overwhelming. And what hurts more is that I dod not think I can keep this up anymore. I was totally set to share mom month to month but now I see my sister is backing out again. I don't blame her. She is 65 and tired and she wants to be with her children and grandchildren. She has never had the closeness that mom and me shared.
But she isn't mom anymore. I tend to her needs when she is with me as if she was my baby and I do not know how not to. My sister, I think, isolates her more and ignores her and I kill myself caring for her.
I do not know if it is the dementia that is forcing her to act up for my sister or if she is manipulating my sister so that she can return to me.
She won't stop talking about these women who beat her up in the nursing home (she was there for a short time after the stroke because none of us were prepared...famous last words). She was not beaten up in this nursing home--this story only started about a week ago and it was the first time I heard it. The more she talks about it, the more elaborate it becomes until she has herself into a fit of rage. These rages only began after she was placed with my sister. The more she acts up the more my sister rejects her.
I feel like they are both manipulating me.
I don't know if I can take care of her much longer but I will convince myself I can because that is who I am.
If mom were calm and not obsessive, it would be so much easier. Do I find new medication?
I am rambling. But I stopped crying.
Best of luck to you. Take some time with sorting everything out, if the community is similar to those I have a relationship with, they probably won't set a hard and fast moving date unless there's a real, potential crisis brewing. If a move has to happen, they'll also want it to be as smooth as possible for your mom.
Very likely there have been either an escalation of or an increase in frequency of behaviors that aren't compatible with AL. I agree that, instead of just giving notice, the person who called should have explained exactly why they feel they can no longer properly care for your mom (other than vaguely stating that she's 'not happy'). It sounds like it's a good community, so they have definitely kept a log of anything that's been concerning to them. They can be more specific.
That said, there is a level of 'unhappiness' that goes beyond what can be handled by the staffing levels in an AL. I remember a resident who was extremely sad and anxious every waking moment. When her family would visit she would brighten a bit and become calm enough while they were there (though not to any level that would be comfortable for you or I). It was not only heartbreaking for the staff to be unable to distract her or ease her suffering, it was difficult to care for her physical needs due to a high level of restlessness. Her family refused to explore any medications that might lessen her symptoms because they didn't want to "drug" her! They didn't, however, take her off of the half dozen or so other prescriptions that ensured her heart would keep pumping while her mind increasingly tormented her. Anyway, despite trying everything (except drugs), she eventually had to be moved to a dementia unit where, I have no doubt, the family got on board with a plan for dealing with her anxiety. It's very upsetting for someone with advanced dementia to have to move, so it's avoided whenever possible.
ps - I'm recounting this story as therapy for me : ) It was a very frustrating time. I am in no way judging how your family is dealing with your own situation which, I'm sure, has plenty more subtleties than you could share in a post.