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LDdaughter, how are you doing?

Did your visit over labor day reveal any information?

I hope that you have found what the rub was and feel welcome in your family.


I feel that what others think of me is not my business. I do the best I can, striving to improve myself as I move forward in life.

Embrace those who build you up, not tear you down, family dynamics IMO cannot be changed, it is what it is.

I wish the best for you, go about the business of living your life, eliminate the toxic and embrace the positive people in your life.

Wow! Just saw this thread. Sounds so familiar to me. My mom has stirred up crap among family members and I caught the brunt of it. In my case I am coping by letting go of not receiving the ‘fairytale’ ending, but that’s life, right? It isn’t always fair.

Different circumstances than you, but still I can relate to your pain of feeling rejected. Just wanted to let you know that my heart goes out to you. This isn’t fair to you. Please feel free to vent anytime. You have empathy from all of us on this forum. Many people helped me and trust me, I was a mess!

I still struggle but seeing a therapist to help work things out in my head and heart. I want to reiterate that this forum is truly a blessing.

Please let us know how you are doing. We care.

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