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cwillie, I can't believe it: I have the same issue with liver and always thought it was so weird! Smells good to me but in my mouth - blech! However I can eat braunschweiger if it's really cold, with very thinly sliced raw red onion, on a good cracker. I could eat that all day. My family used to eat tongue, tripe and head cheese. My mom told me that as a "treat" for Easter each of the 8 children would get a roasted lamb's head. Yes, they ate the eyeballs, or so they said (retch, faint).

We are supposed to consume less beef. My doctor does say chicken and turkey are a better choice. Fish is very good. A plant based diet is excellent!

What about eggs? Some say it’s fine. Others say limit them. Diet and nutrition can be confusing.

We have an abundance of seafood here in Louisiana and I love seafood.

My cousin in New Jersey did have a mercury problem at one time. I don’t remember how they treated that issue.

Some people don’t like seafood, or they are allergic to it.

I wonder how people started eating liver! It tastes horrible to me. I don’t think I could handle any organ meats.

Some foods are bizarre. I don’t care if they do have nutritional value I don’t want it.

Just think if you had to move to a foreign country with foods that were strange. That would be difficult too.

Americans don’t have the healthiest diet! Hopefully, we will improve.

We don’t move enough either. Many do exercise, but overall not as much as before when people got natural exercise simply by doing chores.


Okay, I did a double take. Eyeballs! 🤮 Yuck! Gross! Disgusting!

To each his own, I guess...

I do think past generations ate better. They cooked fresh foods.

All of the processed food came out in our parents generation. It was touted as ‘convenience’ foods. TV dinners, packaged mac and cheese and so on.

I did not eat fast food until I was a teenager with friends. My mom didn’t allow it. We didn’t even get pizza! I had my first pizza on a date in high school.

Fast food is rampant now but I have to say that I followed my mom’s example and didn’t serve it to my kids. They only had fast food on very rare occasions.

I do remember begging for the sugary breakfast cereals because of the television commercials but we hardly ever got them.

I love sushi! Never in a million years would I imagine that becoming popular here.

Interesting post.

I grew up eating meat, 2 veg and spuds almost every meal. Occasionally we had mac and cheese. We canned, made jam, baking other than bread was always home made. We only had meat one meal a day. Never for breakfast, nor lunch.

We had a garden, I still have a small garden. I grow tomatoes because who does not like a warm ripe tomato? I grow green beans, only to eat during the summer, I do not can or freeze them. I do not make jam anymore, but I do occasionally can tomatoes.

My parents continue to each that way for the most part, but Dad eats a lot of prepared, frozen meals now.

My mother in law was the queen of prepared meals, she was thrilled when boil in the bag came available. She has no sense of smell and takes no joy at all in cooking. She grew up in a very poor home and no preserving was done, and store bought was considered better.

I am obese. But much of it is due to inactivity especially the 30 pounds I gained this past year. I tend to enjoy Thai, Vietnamese, Indian, Middle Eastern, North African and Mediterranean foods more than the typical English foods I was raised with. They are full of veggies and flavour.

Most days I have a vegan breakfast, not by design, it has evolved that way over 30 years. Homemade granola, full of nuts and seeds, with 1/2 a banana, berries and almond milk.

Lunch is usually left overs.

Dinner, lots of veggies, some starch and some form of meat.


I remember those ‘boil and serve’ bags!

My neighbor did those when I was a child because she hated cooking! She loved those and used to joke that when her sons grew up, they would never say to anyone that, “It taste just like my mother made it! 😂 LOL

Your food taste yummy. I love Middle Eastern and Indian food too!

I love home grown tomatoes!

I grew up eating healthy. We always had a meat, a starch (rice, potatoes, pasta) a veggie and some kind of bread.

I still eat this way. I have found when I was younger and still true to this day, that if I eat to much fast food (having fast food to many times in a week) or to much junk food I feel sluggish and sick. I have never denied my body of anything, but if I eat something that is not really healthy I just eat it in small quantities. It is all about modernization! I will eat a piece of chocolate cake, however, I don't eat another piece for 3 days to a week later!

My sig-other and I do take supplements. He takes "Devil Claw" for his gout and I swear it is making his hair grow back. LOL! I take "Black Cohosh" for my hot flash & night sweats. We both take vitamin D3.

I have cut back on my sugar and caffeine.

I hate exercising, but I love dancing around or kick a bag around & doing yard work. They help with my stress & anxiety!)


That is so funny that his supplement is making his hair grow back!

I agree that moderation is the key to eating less healthy foods.

It is funny! My hair styler is a friend of mine and she tells me it is not possible physiology, and I know that, but his bald shot is getting smaller and he has fuzzy that he didn't have before.

I swear Devils Claw is a wonder drug!!!

Shell, perhaps you should buy shares in Devil's Claw!

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