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AIva I am so glad to hear your excellent news. Your surgeon sounds like such a beautiful spirit. Truly a gift for that kind of connection she makes with her patients.

Wonderful news!!


I couldn’t be more excited to hear your news!!! 😊

Your teenage surgeon served you well.

You’re a fantastic woman that I have always gained inspiration from.

No doubt you will continue to inspire all of us on this AgingCare forum.

Sending all my love and good wishes to you today!

Thanks for the good news. Alva, I am delighted for you. As you know many breast cancers in seniors are very slow growing so even if there are "seeds" left, they may not cause you much trouble.

You are indeed blessed by your surgeon. Prayers for her and for you and all cancer sufferers here. ((((((hugs)))))

Update at 6 p.m. from that beautiful teenaged surgeon of mine.............CLEAR MARGINS.

Yes, it's a cancer, and we KNEW THAT. But the margins around the removal of the tumor are clear and free. The Alien was taken WITH her nest.

Doesn't mean she won't be back, as Aliens got a life, too.
This is the second time my body decided to make a nifty little breast cancer.
Doesn't mean she didn't leave the "bad seed" somewhere.
Doesn't mean I am guaranteed to live to 100.
But DOES mean I can be here a bit more (maybe) driving all of you nuts!

I think that I told you about my surgeon's putting both her hands on me and gently pressing down on my chest as she spoke to her team.
I asked tonight if she does that on purpose and she does.
She said that there is never a time when you will be so helpless and alone as on the surgery table in the bright lights, being strapped in. And it is her way of saying she is there for you. With you.
I told her it was one of the most sacred and profound experiences of human touch I have ever had in my lifetime.

You all know I am an OLD retired RN who has always been in love with Western Medicine.
I KNOW fully our failures. I understand them. Make no mistake.
But this woman, with all her caring, was in there at 6 pm telling me all she told me tonight. And tomorrow she will attempt to rid MORE people of the cancers that threaten then. She has children. A family.
So, for those of you who PRAY?
I ask you to pray for HER.
I have had more of life than I EVER could have deserved. So pray for her.

Alva, hope you are travelling along well.

Like cw, My fingers are crossed too, Alva! 🤞

Hearing "no further treatment necessary" is the result I wish for you 🤞

Whoooohoooo, welcome back Alva! Relieved to know the surgery went well and waiting to hear the margins are clear. Rest up and relax now, you deserve to. XOXOXO

So happy to see you pounding the keyboard and dispensing words of wisdom. Hoping for the words “all clear” very soon!


I love wearing jeans too. You can be our ‘energizer bunny’ in jeans!

So glad that you were pleased with your surgeon.

Hahaha, 😆 You would have made a great nun!

Well, I attended Catholic school and a nun spoke to us in 9th grade about the ‘calling’ to become a nun. She stressed that it was a beautiful vocation in life. I remember thinking, oh gosh no! I want to go out on dates with cute boys and couldn’t even imagine being a nun!

My mother was christened in our beautiful St. Louis Cathedral. My ancestors came over from England and settled in the French Quarter.

I had nuns in school who taught my mother and her sister. They wore a full habit back then and men’s shoes. They would shoot a pistol in the air with blanks to signal the start of our relay races in physical education! We had silent lunch and we were punished if we didn’t eat our food.

I was in chorus at school and still know all of the words to the Sound of Music! The nun who taught us music was fabulous.

It cracked me up when I heard Diane Sawyer say in an interview that she wanted to be a nun after seeing Sound of Music so she could wear a long black dress with yards and yards of fabric! Diane Sawyer was raised in the Presbyterian faith.

AlvaDeer: I must not understand fully how to check messages on this site (outside the daily Forum) because somehow I completely missed your surgery date and recovery posts. Not sure how but I found them. I'm SO GLAD the surgery went well and that you're recovering. Really, how could the Forum even exist without you?

So glad to have you back so quickly, and sounds like it went well. Here's to clear margins!

I remember "The Nun's Story," both the movie and the book very fondly. The novel is based on a true story, and I just found out (thanks Wikipedia) that the person on whose life the novel is based worked with Audrey Hepburn during the filming and later nursed Hepburn when she was recovering from a near fatal accident.

Alva, what a blessing that you seem to be doing so well and that things went well with your procedure.
I will continue to pray that they got everything that they needed to and that you won't need any further treatments.

If I am an energizer bunny, then it is one in blue jeans. My mom loved bling, makeup, clothes, costume jewery and tabu perfume. She worked when I went to high school as a key punch gal, the beginning of computers, and loved it. She was cutting edge in a tiny little VW Karmann Ghia. My daughter caught it but it skipped my generation. Tons of jeans but only one black shirt that has to do it all, pencil long knit. Has to go from weddings to funerals, but then that's the way of life.

Would love to tell you kids about my "teenage" surgeon. Looks older with no makeup and surgery cap. About her hands on my body. shoulders and chest, pressing down and directing her team. If there are angels, she is one. Her hands were like a benediction. Healing. Comforting. Reassuring. But another day. Cwillie is demanding I take a rest. I hear her calling from the other room where she is making me a hearty chicken soup.

Need, I LOVED seeing worried. I wish she stayed; she didn't. Maybe like another I love here and lost here, she knows she best not to try to hold that tongue. I always worry how close to the edge I am skating. I am SOOOOO glad that worried is doing this work now. It will change her life. Truly it will.

CX if God sent me, he had a nerve to make me an atheist. I love cathedrals. I would have made a wonderful nun. I am in real life very reclusive, retiring, and could have likely been an anchorite in another time. One anchorite got to keep her cat in her isolation cell. One wonders about kitty littler deliver? Perhaps it has a cat door.
Who remembers The Nun's Story? I so wanted to be a nun (when being Audie Murphy didn't work out. Or just Audrey Hepburn.

There you are, drain coming out of your b—b, and you’re making me spit out my coffee, I’m laughing so hard. 😂☕️

You are a gift from God to us! 🩷


Were you surprised to see WorriedinCali posting a while back? I was. I missed seeing her posts.

She was a lot younger than the rest of us. I told her once that her ‘sass’ reminded me of my youngest daughter! 😁 That ‘sass’ will take a person far in life!

I found it interesting that Cali is now working at an assisted living facility.

Alva ,
Glad to see you back !
Yeah , I have the whoops kittie too .


My 101 year old cousin died not that long ago. I miss her terribly. She was a tiny little spitfire! We referred to her as the ‘energizer bunny’ of our family.

My cousin lived in the present. She had a tough life, loosing her mom when she was an infant. Her father was never in the picture. He abandoned the family after his wife died.

My grandfather’s sisters (my great aunts) raised her. One of my aunts was very mean to her and told her that she was ugly and stupid.

My great aunt told my cousin that she was too ugly to get married (she wasn’t ugly at all) and too stupid to graduate (she graduated with honors) and ended up working in the pentagon for many years before moving back to New Orleans with a handsome man by her side.

She married and had 5 children. She buried two daughters. first daughter at age 5 and the second one at age 40. She had one daughter remaining whom she had a falling out with and two sons that she stayed in contact with.

Nothing kept her down! She always spoke about her next trip, lunch with her friends, exercise class, helping her neighbors (whom she referred to as the “old people” in her independent living facility,) etc.

She wasn’t in a wheelchair, never used a walker. She was always dressed to the nines. She drove her car (ignored me when I asked her to please stop driving) and went to her school reunions until age 100. She was the oldest living alumni of her school. She had all of her faculties and never missed a beat! Her body just gave out at 101 years old!

Now that she is gone, I am claiming you as the ‘energizer bunny’ of our AgingCare family, who makes me smile just like my cousin did for as long as I can remember! 😊

I just tried to update Neehhelp a private message saying I updated post op fourteen hours ago, and I got whoops kitten.

Also, anyone noticing that the site is slow to load things of late? Or is it my loss of brain cells?

Anyway, I am baaaaaaaaaaaaaaccccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkk, as cwillie so well knows (and loves, I am sure).

Hopefully I left the Alien skittering across the OR floor, and they got her NEST as well, but margins arrive in about a week; I am told I will be told whether margins clear or not at my first post op which is first February. Or February 1 (whichever comes first). Hoping not to have to go back in but she sure took enough to need a drain, so hoping. It was certainly her intention.

cwillie, I will be answering on the Forum after I have been DEAD for six months.
Not certain if it was YOU or if it was WorriedinCali, or WHO it was. But someone PM'd me some four years ago that I didn't have to answer EVERYTHING.
Whoever it was, I clearly was a bad listener!

Woman, you are gonna have to BURY ME DEEP and put a stake through my heart before I stop answering. Even wearing garlic round your neck won't stop me!

Thank you for the giggle.

Send, I like your epitaph better! Esp. if it gets delivered.

PS look at my update 14 hours ago
And also, know I updated TWICE but the first one I guess I forgot to post. I came back later and it wasn't there! So I am thinking I have lost some brain cells. REALLY! I am having to proofread pretty carefully.

I haven't had to hit those 5 oxycodones. I may get yet to sell them in the street.

Need, I updated 14 hours ago. No one wants to hear that stuff twice! You will find me!

Alva is too busy helping on the forum to post updates😂

Good morning Alva!

You said: "Tombstone epitaphs gladly accepted. But my latest choice is "Does this mean I don't get to watch The Bishops Wife next Christmas". 

Here is what I want on my Tombstone:
Pepperoni, sausage, olives, extra-cheesy.
(Tombstone pizza, that is.)


We are all waiting for your update. As always, sending love and support your way.

AIva you're back and the 👽 has been removed.

Congratulations on taking that very big step, getting it done.
(My atheist friend knows that I am praying for her recovery.).

Some people can live perfectly well with a few more cells blitzed, and you seem to be doing fine!

It is also Ali's birthday:
AliBoBali wrote yesterday:
Feb 20, 2024
Your d-day is my b-day.
I was confused.

That's today.
So Happy Birthday Ali!

After the gentle anesthesia from lasik eye surgery, I was not sure I have returned to my before anesthesia, so I have not been posting much.

Everyone have some cake to celebrate!

Welcome 'home' Alva! It is great to see you back already.

I thought I already posted this.
Likely I wrote it all out nicely, and then was too ditzed out to press the posting button at about 3 pm today.
Alas, you KNOW what they say about us seniors and anesthesia? More than a few here have suggested I get my head examined. I fear I am a few more cells short.

As Young Frankenstein said the Eggg-gor "IT'S a-LIVVEEEEE" as in "here I am again."
A drain more or less, and not feeling a whole lot of pain.

Back tomorrow pounding away, I would guess.
I thank you ALL for your kind thoughts, your prayers, your love and best wishes. It makes a tremendous difference, honestly.

I will keep you updated. Should know if the margins are clear on the 1st when I do my check in. Everyone was so good to me there in the hospital. It's honestly just a matter of getting past my anxiety. I always know how silly it is, and I always do it.
As I know YOU all know, I am much better at whipping at everyone here into what I call "shape" than in doing it for/to myself. At that latter I am a miserable failure.

Now, let's see. Just how do I post a comment?

Thinking of you, Alva! Rest up. 💕💐

AIva I hope your surgery went cant wait until you are back on the forum to update us all. 🌻🐈🌷

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