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Thanks Golden! Dyslexia has given me some blessing that others don't have , empathy towards people. Even from a young age I felt so much for people that where ostracized because of different reasons.

Too much empathy can be a curse also. But I always understood people that where different, and stick up for the underdog. I think that comes from feeling like I'm different on the inside.

Your children where so fortunate to have you

Life is so weird, yesterday hubby was watching TV, and a st jude commercial came on, we were talking about Marlow Thomas, and I said is her husband still alive, I think she is married to Phil Donahue. Today I wake up and he died.

Life is just weird

It gets weirder - I was thinking of Phil Donahue the other day too and wondering if he and Marlow were still together

Oh my goodness that is even weirder

Wow I hadn’t heard about him in years so I thought he died a long time ago.

Today I got a letter from DMV that I was selected to have a physical and eye exam to renew my drivers license . It says they do this randomly for 45 and over .

Meanwhile DMV ( in another state ) did nothing when I voiced concerns about my MIL’s ability to drive safely .

Waytomisery, in NYS I've never heard of that, unless your a truck driver!!

I'm really surprised if this is a thing in Pennsylvania, everyone complains about NYS laws , I've never heard of this?!?!

It’s just ironic that I have to prove I’m safe to drive meanwhile I can’t anyone to test MIL .
Don’t get me wrong I don’t mind getting the form filled out . But ……. I think if a family member raises a concern about an 87 year old , DMV should test them .

Yeah that's so messed up.

way - that's crazy. In this province we get medical and eye testes at 75 and then again at 80 and every two years after that. I think it is a good thing. The doctor may recommend a road test even if you pass the medical and eye tests. I'm OK with that too. I figure I would pass it. If not, that's ok as well. I'm already looking at the resources for seniors who don't drive. I'ii need them some day. You've got to be sensible.

It's so strange NYS is all about there laws, but they just don't seem to do anything about older drivers that shouldnt be driving.

I think it makes them worse actually gives them a whole who cares additude and not respecting that driving is a privilege.

Being dyslexic, I know my limitations on driving, its others that don't get it ,when they don't understand why I won't drive though Albany. They think I'm being a princess or something.

@Anxiety .

I get it . I won’t drive through Brooklyn or Queens anymore . They drive crazy there in general .

Way, yes it is appalling how awful it is driving in the city. It is scary. We drove to Staten Island from the Bronx. A nightmare of congestion. And there is a total disregard for other drivers on the road. It was a free for all. I don’t think many of these drivers actually care they could kill somebody.

I have been hospitalized since last Saturday due to inability to stand or walk. Two new DXs of spinal stenosis and spinal stricture. I am doing in hospital PT and OT. I will then be transferring to a rehabilitation facility. DH not doing well at all. Prayers needed. Thanks.

Llama ,

so sorry to hear that. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

Oh Llama, I'm so sorry to this has happened to you. Prayers for successful treament/rehab and for you and have peace. 🙏🙏🙏

“The LORD bless you and keep you; The LORD make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you."

So so sorry 😞 lama, 🙏🙏🙏

Llama so sorry. I hope you get the care you need and I will definitely pray for you and your DH

many prayers to you, dear, sweet Llama!! you are always so kind to everyone and have always lifted everyone else up. wishing you a speedy recovery!!!! huggggg.

Wishing only the best for you and DH. Thank you for letting us know.

Oh llamalover what a trial. May The Lord be with you and all of your caregivers, May HE give you strength, courage and healing. May HE touch your dear husband and give him strength, guidance and comfort for this trying time.

Great Big Warm Hug!!

Llama,wishing you strength both physically and mentally.

Oh, Llama. I am so very sorry. This is so very painful. And then the worry about hubby on top of it all. So very sorry. My thoughts are with you.

Thank you, everyone! Your kind, uplifting words mean the world to me, truly. My DH was only recently dx'd with MCI upon my urging to see a neurologist. He also mistakenly took himself off his clinical depression medications, which I discovered 10 days ago, reordering them.

OK llama. Withdrawal not being done carefully can really cause a crisis. Call his MD and let him know that he stopped these abruptly. This is dangerous stuff if he is on and off these meds willy nilly. Anyone around who can supervise them for a bit?

Alva: Thank you and yes, I have done that. Our married DD has a plate full and then some.

Llama, sending hugs. Hope you get back on your feet soon and that your husband will be okay.

Take care of yourself LLama!

I've actually been on this strange high of happiness lately, I really didn't understand what has been happening. I tried antidepressants but I just don't like the side effects. So it's not that.

It's like things just don't bother me anymore, I don't care who likes me who doesn't, I see what my family is. I go to moms, if she is grumpy, I leave and leave it there.

I guess after years of caregiving, and on and off depression this is a normal experience. Maybe this is what normal people feel like?

Also I read after getting out of an abusive controlling relationship you seem a little crazy to others. Like if you could eat ice cream, you go to the store and by a whole cart of ice cream.

Must be something like that happening to me.

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