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I get that people don't know how to deal with a friend's long term illness. I get that they don't have to alter their activities to include the friend. I get that they may not be supportive. But please don't sit there telling me about my LO's health problems ( I'm living this ) or what I should/shouldn't do, and then have the attitude of no empathy because I'm not doing as you think I should. It's taking everything i have to not say what I think and vaporize the "friendship". After all, these friends will be absent when we go into the tougher stages.

CDN, yes, a sign there too.
But I meant the ordinance requirements to post a door-knob notice on affected homes in the area.
Making movies and t.v. series brings revenue to the city, but it can also burden the resources. For example, a plane crash in the hills goes out on police scanner, there is a 911 response, a search for the downed plane, and an hour later, Oh, they were making a movie.

Oh, Send. I'm glad you were able to turn around and leave. But I have to agree with you, how hard would it be to post a simple sign?

I still can't believe the news coming out of Vegas. My heart just breaks for everyone.

Pulling into the post office lot, we were stopped, asked to pull over and wait.
The casually dressed person did not identify that they were shooting a movie.
The second person with a walkie talkie, crouching, directed us to pull into the parking place and wait, because there was going to be gunfire!

Lol. I said no, and turned the car around, slowly, and left the way we came in.

Say what? Gunfire? In light of the recent mass shooting, a bit scary, a bit insensitive for real people in the neighborhood?

Missing from this entire scenario, was the required notices posted in the nearby neighborhood re: Movie shoot! Gunfire will be fake.

Take 3!

Thank you!! :)

Be sure to join us on "Caregivers Behaving Badly"
or "Caregivers Cats Behaving Badly".

You will be welcome on those threads too.

Hi MsMadge and Sendhelp, thanks for the welcome!

And...some wine is low-carb. :) :) Lol!

Welcome, and welcome to this thread, where your opinions count. You can say anything that the AC admins allow.

Is wine a carb?

Welcome travel
Carbs and a wicked humor helps many a stressful night

Hi all, hope it's ok to join this thread! I recently found this forum and am starting to read a bit.

Quote: "I know I am not an orphan but it often feels like it with the siblings I have. Thank goodness for carbs."

I'm right there with ya! Sorry that your siblings aren't any help, either. My husband's brother is IN THE MEDICAL FIELD, but my husband regularly gets asked, "Are you an only child?" Sigh.

LOL about the carbs! Yep! And wine. Lots of wine. (Are we allowed to say that?)

Hi Send,

Sadly, I think this is my family as well. I am adopting Cwillie's "the less said, the better."

I know I am not an orphan but it often feels like it with the siblings I have. Thank goodness for carbs.:-)

People are not behaving anywhere near polite or civil on a public forum.
On one thread, Cwillie has asked people to "give it a rest".  And I agree with Cwillie, " the less said, the better."
Some posters are out of line, as well as the OP, imo.
I wish they would all stop embarrassing themselves.

Bozo one, bozo two.

1,000 M & M's

Happy Birthday to the Viking!

Thinking nicknames for the siblings.......

Gladimhere has the best, calling them the twisteds 1 and 2.

Ts1 and Ts2 for short.

Are we complaining about siblings over here? I could get in on that. I get it that my bros are both sooooo busy, and they can't be bothered to help out with my dispersing the house contents, but are they too busy to text a reply when I contact them about stuff? I think it's just more convenient for them to ignore me. How do they think I feel, dealing with the house and its contents? They can't be troubled to be in touch with me, meanwhile I can just spend my life cleaning up everything on my own. Wah.

I dream of the day I get to stick them with mom's care, and not help out. ;-) Not really, but it would be fitting.

Neither Frick nor Frack visited mom on her birthday, Thanksgiving, Xmas or New Years last year - both asked if she wanted diapers for Xmas 🙄

Oh, Ms. Madge! I love you. It is so hard with siblings. I figure if some siblings cannot give their time, at least they should contribute to birthday presents and Christmas presents.

Frick and Frack....ha ha ha

My BIL told DH that he thinks we should look for a dog to keep FIL company. I must be osmosising CM's wonderful British phrases, because I looked at DH and asked him if BIL was daft and had he taken leave of his senses. I quickly pictured Dad tripping giver the dog, bending multiple times daily with normal care and dealing with a dog going in and out in the winter. Dad thinks it's a crazy idea, smart fella.

Shall I go first, Send?

Yesterday, I asked mom what she wanted for her upcoming birthday - she replied $1,000

In thinking about it, $1,000 split between mom's two other kids divided by the 19 months she's been at hoca with each only visiting her maybe 4 times under duress comes out to about $25 a month each -

I'll be sending Frick and Frack mom's request by mail since now neither respond to my texts - Bozos 😼

Would it be okay, if we have an issue with a sibling but cannot post it, we could call the sibling something unrecognizable, so that reading here, they would never know?

Thank you everyone for your contributions on this thread.
These are interesting and good stories!

Veronica, over 10 years ago I flew from Las Vegas to Calgary for a wedding. There was a bad winter snow storm in Calgary that night and the plane I was in had to taxi around and around in the sky for over an hour. The pilot had told us that we might have to re-route to another city if storm didn't clear. So we're taxiing and it's a bad storm, we're getting bumped around and there is tension.

After an hour of this the pilot comes on the PA and says "We're just going to try for a landing here in Calgary, just shoot under the storm and see if that doesn't work." (Whatever she said  was something to that effect, and the words "shoot under" have rang in my head for a decade haha...) I was scared! lol! So were the others! We were looking around at each other saying "we're going to TRY to land!?" Well, we landed, but it was the worst flight experience ever. I suppose the pilot knew her skills and if she thought the plane could land, then everything was fine. No one else knew that. :-)

Veronica-- that's hysterical reminds me of something my grandmother would say

Thanks Countrymouse, I very much appreciate your words of encouragement and support :-)

An airline had a very bad landing shaking everyone up badly.That airline required the first office to stand by the door and thank tham for flying Royal Airlines. This day he was absolutely dreading it but screwed up his courage and went through the routine with only are negative remarks from the passengers.
The last passenger off was a little old lady and she looked him straight in the eye"Sonny can i ask you a question? "Of course Ma'm" he replied. "Can you tell me if we landed or were we shot down?"

Hugs, JJG.

You are doing *such* a good job. There is a special place in heaven for people who can handle their loved ones patiently, truthfully and kindly all at the same time.

And those feelings you're worrying about, the kernel of truth in your mother's accusation? Here's a thought: you no more want your mother to die than your mother herself wants to get to the end of her life. That is to say, a tiny little bit, you both do - but only for completely understandable and compassionate reasons.

Hugs again. Focus on the good bits, because they're just as real.

Who behaved badly this time? I actually kept my head on straight... for the most part...

Took Mom to her MRI yesterday as a follow up to the cognitive testing by the neurologists office. I leave work, pick her up (Ms. 1 speed-only) drive to the medical park, get lost trying to find the place, stop to ask for help, make a side trip for Mom to the bathroom, and finally find the place. As we are checking in, they tell me, "Oh, your doctor cancelled the MRI because we are not in-network." And they had the nerve to blame in on the doctor's office, saying, they were supposed to call me.

I think everyone here would be very impressed with my self control. I was NOT's not easy to drop everything, clear my schedule, get my Mom and take her to an appointment that doesn't exist.

TODAY....I'm at Mom's memory care room with the cable guy trying to figure out if it's the cable or the tv on the fritz. (mind you, we've spent a lot of time together in the past two weeks (mom and I, not the cable guy) and it's been fine.) But I could see a strange look on her face when she walked to the room and found us there (even though I had just said hello to her down the hall) almost as if we startled her. The door was wide-open, but something about us being there troubleshooting her TV set her off.

For the next hour she wanted to argue with me about why she wasn't living with me. I successfully distracted her a few times, got her to quiet down with my new line, "I'll look into it." but she was like a dog with a bone.

No answer makes her happy, so eventually she started yelling, and eventually I said, I'm leaving, and she yelled at me to get out.

and she had such a great day today at the bowling alley with her caregiver, and we had a blast Sunday at the movies to see Gone with the Wind. AND IT JUST DOESN'T MATTER. I hate it for her, I really do, and I'm not going to lie, I hate it for me too.

At one point she said, "I know you just can't wait till I drop dead and you no longer have to worry about me." So I asked her, "You really think I act like I can't wait for you to keel over?" And she said, "sometimes you act that way." So I responded, "like right now, I'm here trying to fix your TV because I can't wait till you die?"
She got quiet at my response because how could she argue...the one shred of logic left in her brain realized her tactic lacked merit.

as a side note ***deep down I'm worrying that maybe I do act that way, and I feel badly.

I told her how sorry I was that she was unhappy and that I wished I could fix it.

Oh lort, where to begin...Kids..who are teenagers...summertime. Honey bunch who at times is my rock and others just a cynical know it all who loves to hear himself talk for the sake of talking. I guess he thinks may lecture me into submission somehow??? Ooooo, mom doing the exact oppsite of the right things as if she is confused. But can tell me all about (several times to my dismay) the husband and things too sensitive to mention here. Oh, lets not forget the millionth time I've heard "oh, if theres anything you need". Yea, try calling in that favor. There's a really long list people. I just get by with a few "to be delivert lorts" and a healthy dosage of "jesus, take the wheel before i murder people". Amen.

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