
A good night's sleep, chocolate, the happiness and satisfaction of sharing on AgingCare forum. Does anyone have some favorite things to think about? Yes, this phrase is from the song in the movie "The sound of Music". My husband and I often resort to using movie lines and song to improve communication. We were the only two in a gathering of people who heard the background music playing. We both had the same (cassette tape/CD). A connection bringing two people together. To this day, we crack up when one uses a simple movie line to make a serious point.
SO, What is one of your favorite movie line, some of your favorite things?

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If it's not your burden to carry, you may just have to put it down.

It is really really true that no good deed goes unpunished.

I never learned to wait to be asked to help. I just see a need, and fil it.

It's Sunday and dH came home from church early.

jwellsy, I was lucky to have skied at Heavenly once. It truly was heavenly.

The way we speak to are selves,

They way we degrade are selves,

Into smallness

Is abuse.

"Rupi Kaur"

Let's not abuse are selves

@ lostinplace, don't forget " you're gonna need a bigger boat" 🚢 Jaws

My boys loved Space Balls

"We don't need no stinking badges" (Treasure of Sierra Madre), "And don't forget plenty of body bags" (Rambo, First Blood), "Would YOU go down there? I wouldn't go down there!!" and "Dink dink"(Spaceballs).

Jwellsy, if I haven't said it , welcome to the forum.

That sounds truly beautiful ❤️

Some find peace at the beach, me personally I'm not a fan of sand in places I don't want sand, or sharks for that matter.

I love mountains and streams, walks in the woods is my peace. In the dead of winter, not so much, but sounds utterly beautiful.

One of my favorite things is snow skiing. South Lake Tahoe has a famous ski resort called Heavenly. From on top of the mountain you can see the beautiful blue shades of Lake Tahoe which never freezes because it's so deep. The top of the mountain is a very harsh environment and it's right at the top of the tree line. The few trees that do manage to cling to life between the boulders are ancient gnarly contorted figures. It looks like a giant natural bonsai garden. The first thing I like to do when get off a chairlift at the top is get off to one side and say a prayer thanking God for making such magnificence for us to enjoy. I swear that standing at the the top of Heavenly Ski Resort, I can actually hear angles singing.

Send Help,

On most difficult words to say. Another contender.

“I don’t know.”

My DH calls it “What’sThisHereSauce” .


Enjoy your crush.


for anyone wondering (i bet you're all wondering all day, every day), yup i still have a crush on him. nope, i haven't said anything to him. i'll update again in 10 years. 🙂

stay tuned. 🤓

Those were Judy Garland's lyrics!

One of my other favorites is Eva Cassidy singing

Somewhere Over the Rainbow.

I've always loved the way Judy Garland sang that song

Somewhere over the rainbow
Bluebirds fly
Birds fly over the rainbow
Why then, oh, why can't I?
Somewhere over the rainbow
Bluebirds fly
Birds fly over the rainbow
Why then, oh, why can't I?
If happy little bluebirds fly
Beyond the rainbow
Why, oh why can't I?

Some of the most difficult words to say are:

"I was wrong"

"I need help"


Worcestershire sauce.

💕 👏😍💗

hang in there everyone!! i'm sure it's not easy. many of us here on the forum are having a hard time with caregiving issues. i'm still on a break from the forum.

but - i must - update you on important matters:
the crush i have on a man.

sooooo, this is just to say, that i continue to have a crush on him. (he's single; i'm single). i still, of course, won't tell him how i feel. we continue laughing at each other's jokes (he has a great sense of humour).

so, that's it for now.
update over.

bundle of joy

Go for it, bundle

i continue to have a hopeless crush on a man. hopefully he doesn’t realize.

anyway we talk often. and i noticed i’m starting to talk more and more like him! haha.

they say couples become more and more similar to each other with time. well, it’s happening to me and we’re not even together!

anyway…i’ll just continue hopelessly having a crush on him.

poor bundle of joy

Watching a beautiful Tim Janis video about National Parks.
Banff National Park and Torres del Paine Park are beautiful.

There are llamas (or Alpaca) in the high places, antelope too.

Dear man-who-doesn't-know-I-have-a-crush-on-him,

🥰 You make my dopamine levels go all silly.

Bundle of Joy

My favorite things are done one day at a time.

That's what's so hard also about caregiving. Is that us caregivers are getting old to. And many of are parents are so deep into there own issues and dementia they don't see that we are getting older, and if we let them take over are life we are going to age much quicker.

Im really good at balancing my life , work , rest and play, but that makes my mom angry with me. I'm over that now, but I let her get in my ear and it contributed to me falling apart.

Are little boccie league starts tonight, it makes me pretty sore the first couple of weeks. I told mom I'm going to switch days I come over so I'm not coming the morning after boccie. I know what she is thinking. And she doesn't like at all when I take care of myself, or that I do anything for myself.

But you all have taught me I come first!

Agreed about limitations as one ages. Used to get carry out ×7/week. Plus huge jugs of iced tea. Remedied that by eating in and making my own tea. You do have to say "No, I cannot do what I used to do." Much to my chagrin - like when someone with zero common sense uses our local food pantry as a Goodwill donation.

The Amazon box just delivered says on it:
"Aw, another excellent choice!"

I agree with AlvaDeer and Golden!
Two very wise and active women.
They can run circles around me.

I didn't even go outside to see the Amazon box. The photo arrived in my email, and dH brought it inside. I saw it while laying down for a rest, after prepping the pork tenderloins to cook.

Goodnight everyone!


Here is my schedule of Rules to Honor my limitations:
(Whether one is 62 or 82) They are for me. Each person can adapt them for themselves. If you can do more, then good for you!

Never an appointment on a Monday (because it cannot be cancelled over the weekend.)

If going out (shopping, an appointment) plan it for every other day.
If after the appointment you want to shop, limit it to 2 hrs. max.

Never walk a lot shopping, and then think you can do any gardening the same day. You ARE over-doing it. There is no honor in that. That's for the next day. After gardening one day, take 2-3 days off, unless you hire a gardener for the heavy duty work.

Walk slower. Do not walk over uneven surfaces like bricks, cobblestones, or those beautiful flagstone. You will fall. At our age, it is much too silly to fall just to get out of work or get sympathy.

Drink water. If you get dizzy, or even just a bit tipsy, sit in the garden in shade, don't work in it. Come inside in temps over 78 with sun. Wear a sun hat, and sunglasses. Isn't that what our gardens are for, sitting in the shade?

Does anybody have a fantastic recipe for iced tea, or lemonade? Can you pick some mint from your garden?

Even on days you feel great, follow your limitations so you can feel even better the next day. No one ever said in their last hour, I forgot to pull that one last weed in my garden, did they?

I agree too!!!

Boy, this CFS/FM has had me learn to accept my limitations, never mind aging. But that too! Some days I can do more, some days I can do a lot less. I keep working my muscles, as well as I can, to keep some flexibility, keep mobile, keep balance. 10 reps. Nah! 3 or 4 might be success some days.

Ya gotta live in the day. It's all ya got!

Laundry's done, dishes need doing (I need a new dishwasher), groceries are ordered, did my stairwalk, floors need doing, plants are watered...and so it goes. The living things get more attention. 🐱👫🌿🌱

I think some "drive" is good "the trying, the keep it going".

I didn't like my posture the other day, so I have started more exercises - just a few reps, but it makes a difference and I feel better. If it's a choice between that and housekeeping, you can guess which one I choose. Not that we don't look reasonably good here and the better shape you are in the easier it is to do the tasks. One day I'll have to hire someone to do it.

Off to do my dishes!!! 🧽🧼🧹😉

Send, I so agree.
I have had a hard time sometimes admitting what 82 (this year) means.
I want to think I can still do it, and if I STOP doing it, it will spell doom and I will get more and more week and then......................................
The truth is I CANNOT still do it.
Count blessings. I have a 62 year old daughter who tells me the ways her body had started to betray her, the ways that are so shocking to her. And I have told her that I am sorry, but it is an odd comfort to me.

I just cannot do what I did. Today I got up early, 5:45. Pounded away here and on nextdoor and facebook a bit, off I went to getting up and doing the things about the house, then to Trader Joe on the bus and hauled down two bags of groceries about 7 blocks from the T-Joe to the Divis. bus. Then into the garden so overwhelmingly overgrown and in bloom, and in need of a jungle path cut through as I will soon leave it for a month to the partner, who at 83 will be lucky to deal with the last blooms of the cineraria while I am gone.

At one point got wobbly on a bumpy flagstone path. Balance off and tired and I know on long walks now my balance can bottom when I am tired. Better part of valor is to come in. I did so. And it is SO HARD for me to recognize I must.

I feel so lucky. Yet I drive myself to continue, and I ask myself why. I just responded recently to an OP of ours who is, I think, so driving herself because of a feeling that she must be--MUST BE--perfect. And that leads to us having expectations of others as well.

It is live and learn.
If I don't learn I will go down. And as I warn everyone here, a fall is often the beginning of the end.
I hope we will all try to honor our limitations. I keep telling people "You are not God". "You aren't a Saint". And I hope someday I will, in all of my pea-brained-numbness, learn to listen to just a second's worth of my spoutings.

Take care, Send.

My day just gets better and better. And yesterday was so productive, I can ride on that too.

Who cares how low, how late I got started today.....

It's the improvement that matters, the trying, the keep it going.
I paid some bills.

The food and supplies I ordered are here just now!

Gotta go....

I think it's sweet bundle, sometimes crushes are a good thing. They give you something else to think about and they can be fun.

Also sometimes you have a crush and when you get to know them your like , well he isn't all that great. 😂

But I'd love to here more of you ever get the nerve up to start a conversation, with your mystery Man

I adore Mathew McConaughey, but heard he doesn't use deodorant. So I'll just enjoy my crush from a far. 😊

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