
My husband had a stroke and had to be airlifted to Las Vegas. He will be moving to Seattle so our daughter can help take care of him. How can I get him medically transported up there

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How long ago did this occur?
Has there been stablization? Do you know where you are with deficits that may be permanent?
Has there been rehab?
I doubt very much that airlifting is going to be affordable. I would wait until you can arrange a car trip with family to get him moved if he is able to be well and stable enough for such a trip.

Don't have many details here to go on; wishing you good luck.
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Reply to AlvaDeer

Have you spoken with the hospital social worker? They should be able to help you with information and available resources.
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Reply to Moondancer

I don't think Medicare pays to transport. It has to be considered an emergency. This is over 1000 miles. That would be 16 hrs of driving, at least. You could rent an RV, a transport is going to be costly.

Moving him will effect you health insurance. Medicare goes any wherevin the US but supplimentals and Medicare Advantages don't. All depends on what the State allows to be written in their state.

All you can do is call your insurances and find out what they cover and if you can continue them in Washington state.
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Reply to JoAnn29
Geaton777 Sep 30, 2024
If you read what's in the link it does sound like Medicare would pay for certain "medically necessary" transfers, not just emergency (ambulance to ER) ones. That being said, not sure if they would cover transfer for a health emergency that occurred out of state after which one needs a "medically necessary" transport back home. But I highly doubt they (or any insurance) would pay for a transfer from your home state to a different state.
I read this but it doesn't specifically say whether Medicare would cover a multi-state transport or not, if it is deemed "medically necessary" by the attending physician or your husband's primary care physician from his home state:

I would call Medicare to find out (assuming your husband is old enough to have Medicare and any Advantage or supplemental plans).

Is NV his home state? If so and he would be travelling out of state then I doubt it would be covered.
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Reply to Geaton777

Medical Transport Company is the best way.
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Reply to MeDolly

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