
many thanx to all for help/advice! haven’t gotten any cbd yet /& no luck finding new dr  not free til dec ‘25 ! earlier - -august! hubby cld b drooling nut job by then or dead! ( previous neuro  said he was “stable “ didn’t need to c anymore “ but of crse he’s not /hoping his urologist may have referral -also have memory center/pcp not big help /luckily he’s been calm past week but as u know outburst can come anytime/no reason /v glad found this site - learning a lot & all posts & info incredibly valuable & appreciated!

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Good luck corky, this is a tremendously stressful difficult time for you.

We are here when ever you did some one to help, chat or just to vent
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Reply to Anxietynacy

Corky, if your husband is having BEHAVIORAL outbursts, you should consider consulting a geriatric psychiatrist, rather than another neurologist.

In my experience with my mom, geriatric psychiatrists are wonder workers with meds.
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Reply to BarbBrooklyn
corkycorkk Jun 25, 2024
thank u ! will ask/try to find /did call
dr who’s geriatrician & neurologist but booked for a yr!& i m in mid nyc with so many options-theoretically @ least! wondering if same situation elsewhere in country-all drs booked
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I know, right?? I wish I has come upon this site back in 2016 when both of my inlaws were imploding physically and cognitively at the same time. I've been on this site daily since 2019 and learn something new or helpful almost every day. So glad it helped you!
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Reply to Geaton777

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