
My wife death of 54 years was caused by Andrew Cuomo not Donald Trump when Andrew Cuomo send positive covid-19 patient from Hospitals, from suffolk county to assisted living and nursing home. MY wife was staying at one of these assisted living in Babylon. NY. This facility had little to none PPE and nursing Aids whom did not not show up. My wife had onset stage 2 Alzheimer disease . Trump had the Navy ship Comfort and the Javities center available to help with positive that were released from these Long Island Hospitals and some of these Patients were just written off after 3 day so the hospitals could have more room for new patients.
Trump, sent the Governor 100"S ventilators which he uses very little amounts. MY wife passes away in May. He new he would get full immunity from prosecution. This man himself cause over 11,000 poor seniors in these facilities to get the Virus and pass away.
What make me so angry was I could not say good by have Jewish service for her. Stop putting the Blame on Trump. Please Kristin from U2 Cuomo sent these poor people to their death. He has the gall in his new book just out that he handled the pandemic excellently. Their is an investigation going on on how he handled the virus in these nursing homes.
Cuomo you should be ashamed of your self making false claims of the way you handled covid 19.

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Jole, you are right. But unfortunately we live in a world that blames everything on President Trump, to our great shame because it makes our country look like it is populated by reprobate minds.

I am sorry for your loss, but I believe that none of us get a free pass, we will answer for our intentional wrong doing, either now or later and I for one want to answer now because later is to late.

I am sorry that you were not able to have the service for her internment in accordance with your beliefs, that is enough to hurt your heart.

May you find peace with what is and know that he will be held accountable one way or another.

Joel; I am so sorry for the loss of your wife. Baruch ha-Dayan Emet.

May you be comforted among the mourners of Jerusalem and Zion.

Yes they are!

Hi Joel
I’m sorry for your loss.
We lost my dad in the same situation.
The negligent care of the nursing facility and the facility actually contracted with the state of New Jersey to bring in covid patients. We had no knowledge of this until 2 weeks after they we’re doing it.
I blame Governor Murphy for this and the commissioner of health.

They had no regard for these residents. My dad was 92 but he wasn’t ready to die. I worked so hard to maintain his health.We were kept out of the facility but they brought sick people in.
Best to you

I blame the facility’s for knowingly accepting sick patients for the money.

Sorry for your loss.
I believe you, it appears to be a crime, committed by criminals. imo.


I realize you are having a very hard time with the COVID and your wifes recent death. Your first post talked about your Son and his not caring. Do you have other children you can talk to? Maybe friends? A minister?
I really feel for you to move forward, maybe talk to a trained professional.

Our Country is between a rock and a hard place. Decisions are being made based on the information that is given. Early on our Doctors had no idea how to treat COVID. It has been a learning experience. I know, even so, you have had a huge loss.

This is a good place to vent, so continue to keep coming back. Old Sailor pops up every so often. He lost his wife recently too.

You are right about Cuomo, Joel. Cuomo wouldn’t even put his own mother in a nursing home! He knew it wouldn’t be safe for her.

When this is all said and done - and the thousands of books evaluating every aspect of the Coronavirus Covid19 Pandemic are sitting on the shelves - history will certainly judge this as a template of what NOT to do.

It’s hard for me to give our “leaders” a pass saying no one knew how to deal with this. The Infectious Disease experts have been screaming from the rooftops that something like Covid19 was coming for years - if not decades. Yet, as a country - the most “powerful” country in the world, we were dismally unprepared. This was a crisis in the making long before the first Covid19 case appeared in our country back in January. Would it surprise you to know that the first laboratory confirmed case of Covid19 in America was January 20th, 2020 with it being reported to the CDC on January 22nd? Yet, the vast majority of Americans didn’t know of it’s existence until March.

And, how did Americans respond? By hoarding and stockpiling toilet paper. I suppose it then makes some small modicum of sense that our “leaders” then made the huge error in judgement in telling Americans not to bother with masks. How on earth would our frontline healthcare workers survive if our citizens hoarded PPE as they did toilet paper? Having since done a 180 on the protective quality of mask wearing - is it any wonder that this remains a dividing issue among the people in America?

So, here we sit seven months since the first confirmed American case of Covid19. Are we any better off? Much as been learned about Covid19 and it’s treatment, yet more remains unknown about the virus than is known. The death rate is down and I suppose that is something. Still thousands and thousands of new cases are being diagnosed every day in our country. 1000 Americans are dying a day - A DAY - it remains all too common a figure.

And, incredulous as it seems Coronavirus Covid19 is as much a political issue as it is a medical one. In many states Covid19 tests are still too hard to come by when there should be a testing site in the parking lot of every Starbucks in the country. Oregon’s Governor blames Trump - Trump blames whomever is on his daily tweeted hit list.

We are afraid to send our children to school and our aged loved one remain prisoners in their homes - be it a facility or their house. At least in their house they can actually see their families without a pane of glass between them. I wonder - will someone write a book totaling the aged loved one who died in a facility - not from Covid19 but from lack of stimulation, loneliness, a broken heart. Probably.

I find myself praying a lot lately. Prayer was something I had kinda lost faith in during my caregivers years. But, I’m praying a lot now - for the doctors and nurse who are treating Covid19 patients. For the doctors and the scientists who are studying the virus - looking for better treatments, a cure, a vaccine. For our political leaders - that they can put partisan differences aside and do what’s best for the American people. For the people who have Covid19 and for all the people at risk of catching it. For Humanity, in general. And, for toilet paper - and a canister of Clorox wipes.

God help us.

I find it appalling that Cuomo is writing a book about his “success” in dealing with the pandemic. He should be writing a letter of resignation followed by personal condolence cards to the families of every nursing home resident that died because of his decisions!

Rainmom, I found Clorox wipes, 5 containers and toilet paper at Sam's club Wednesday, so it is starting to show up on shelves again. Costco had toilet paper yesterday and I am now officially a hoarder of tp. Yep, bought 75 rolls in 2 days and I will get more if they have it next time I go, whether I need it or not.

According to all the talking heads we are in for it this fall, so I am staying stocked up, just in case they are right.

I went to wegmans and bought 6 rolls of Scotties toilet paper on Sunday. The kind that has 1,000 sheets per roll. I put 6 rolls on the conveyer belt and the clerk told me I could only take ONE ROLL? Excuse me???? I said I was buying 3 for me and 3 for my 96 year old mother who doesn’t live with me. She had to call a manager and finally let me have 2 rolls for me and 2 rolls for my mother. Oh yeah, she had to ring mine up separately from my mother.

Why don't we all have a little OLEANDER flower tea? Isn't that the new lethal recommendation for cure? I think after a cuppa that we will ALL feel so much better about everything.
If we can't do better than this I am gonna have to move on to my thread on Next Door about what to do about the marauding raccoons.
Is it nap time yet?
Them all the blame will be assigned and we can move on to AgingCare questions.

He handled coronavirus lake a careless person and dangerous person which caused the deaths of our poor loved ones doing things that were never proven. Like not making sure that the nursing homes had enough PPE and enough aide to take care of the seniors in these home and weren't able to following protocol. This man needs be held accountable for the way he handled the nursing homes deaths IN NY

I have gently suggested that AgingCare isn't the place for our politics and our political rants. They change no ones mind and the interfere with what we do best, helping one another with elder care. But, guess what Joel. You have won me over. I say let's go at it.
News for you. We STILL don't have enough PPE for ANYONE. Even the public should have access to N95 masks now, but we do not. Spare me the HOPE ship photo op; a ship not really ever used and at tremendous cost. Give me one N95 mask. That would take not state government, but a mandate to produce them for the nation from the feds. We would actually have to MAKE something in the USA. Imagine that. Rosie the Riveter to the front lines making masks for a national emergency. A mandate FROM our National Leader who has access to acts to produce PPE in time of crisis. Instead we are dependent on the China that Trump pretends to loathe for FACEMASKS for goodness sakes. We can't even do facemasks for our country. After 9 months of this we can't even do facemasks.
We will all suffer for choosing not to mask up, and for ignoring a leader who encouraged people to ignore the pandemic, who called it a hoax, who said we didn't need masks.
And our financial institutions, going all unaddressed and with a ton of mortgage debt? I shudder to think of the fall, when in all likelihood the pandemic and the financial crisis will make the great depression look lightweight. Those now not paying rentals and mortages? The fall will make it look like nothing now. And the only good thing for me about the fact Trump might win re election is the fact that he will have to address the devastating mess he is responsible for.
Just heard about a Baltimore family with Trump signs in their lawn. Now dead folks all over in their family, and their Trump signs coming down because, they say, they believed him when he said it was a hoax to keep him from being re elected. Well, finally something I can say that is PRO Trump, because it isn't HIS fault if someone is so stupid they believe him. He has been clever enough just to USE their stupidity. If you are stupid enough to follow an idiot you will have a price to pay for that. Stupid enough to believe you can inject bleach and drink Oleander tea? I gotta say that's on you!
Sadly enough, it is his own constituents who will do the suffering. Not me. Lessons, good ones, are often learned the hard way.
For me. Some day, LIKE A MIRACLE (hee hee), he'll be GONE. Even his Sister knows what he is and we have HER on tape today. I'm with that old Judge, his Sister.
Thanks for allowing me a place for my political rant, after all, Joel. I have had a ball with it. Now back to the REAL forum! Because, as I said, I don't really think that the AgingCare forum should be for political rants. No minds changed. Not about Cuomo and Trump but about political rants being great here! Whoops. Meant to put exclamation point and instead did a Q. Big whoops! Hee!
Now then. You are feeling GREAT Joel, because you have gotten to continue your political diatribe. I feel pretty good myself. But just what have we accomplished?
I guarantee you we have not changed nor even impacted a SINGLE SOLITARY mind here. Andrew doesn't really CARE what you think Joel. Nor does Trump. Nor what I think.
If this sort of thing makes you feel better about your sad loss, then I guess that is one thing we can say it has accomplished that is of any value at all. So, carry on.
If AgingCare loves you, so do I.

The OP has every right to get political here. His wife is a COVID victim who died because of a idiot politician. If he wants to vent and blame Cuomo, that’s his right. Don’t like it? Don’t follow HIS post. Here’s a novel concept: if you don’t like a post, exit out and move on to the next. it’s real hypocritical to complain that someone is getting political and then come back and get political yourself, just saying.

Alva, the public has access to N95s. They are in stores again. You can order them online. You just have to LOOK. Amazon has them in stock.

"Joel's wife died because of a politician", Cali
My mistake................. I thought she died of a novel corona virus.
This is the sort of garbage that comes along when we sink into the political morass. I'm pulling out of it now.
So you guys have at it, and have fun.
But don't forget to wear your masks. Hee hee.

If everyone would wear a mask it would save lives!! Wear a mask!!

This is why we don’t talk politics or religion on this aging care site. People tend to “lose it”. People start lashing out at one another. Then the swearing starts and then the private messages start.

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