
Note: There aren't appropriate topic to place this discussion under, so I choose depression. Which I guess is the polar opposite of happiness? but the topic is about happiness and not depression.

Is it a state of mind?

Is it because you have a loving partner? (and your happiness depends on that)

Is it having fun? (isn't that temporary, unless you have a loving partner)

Do funny things like joke make you happy? (again, isn't that temporary)

Is happiness when people have found new love? the feeling people get at the beginning of a possible long lasting relationship with a view that this will bring long-term happiness.

Are having children happiness? watching them grow, getting them married, having grandchildren.

What if you don't have any of the above and never will? can you still be happy.

How much importance do you put into making other people happy, outside of your inner-circle's. Are you only happy when you form a group?

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I think for me, about 25 years ago I was somewhat happy. Divorced the cheating husband many years prior. I lived alone had a FT and PT job. The horses, house &friends kept me busy. My sister and I were close, parents were healthy. Several friends & my father passed away, lost the house& found home for the horses 13 years ago. Never been a very happy person. That's life

It's because I have a loving partner.
And I reciprocate that love to her.

We are all responsible for our own happiness, as one should never depend on someone else or their circumstances to make them happy.
It has to come from within and it is a choice.
I choose to be happy despite all the many negative things that have happened to me over my life,(and trust me when I tell you there's been a lot of negative things,) but I am blessed that the Good Lord has given me a positive attitude, and that goes a long way in keeping me happy. Plus the good in my life(and all of our lives)will always outweigh the bad.
I also choose to write in my "grateful" notebook every evening 5 things from the day that I am grateful for. That certainly helps keep things in perspective for me as gratitude and happiness go hand in hand.
So be blessed everyone and choose today despite your circumstances to be happy!

oldageisnotfun - you posed this very mindful and deep question ...and, actually it would be really interesting to also hear your perception and take on your own question.

What is happiness to you??


Make a list of things that make you happy.
Make a list of things you do every day.
Compare the lists.

At 80 it is peace. Contentment. Well being. I don't imagine I would have answered that at 18. There are as many kinds of happiness as there are kinds of UNhappiness.

My solid answer:
Happiness is walking on a beach of Puget Sound looking at rocks and driftwood, watching the birds soar, seeing the dogs run in the water.
Tired of that? I can do the walk in the woods.
And those answers, getting out in nature and walking with a mindful soul would have sufficed as well at 8 as at 80 for me.

Buffalo hot wings fit in there somewhere as well. I am easy.

Right now happiness would be my indoor only cats not having fleas.

sp19690 - have you tried something like Capstar tablets? I've gotten really good results for the kitties that I'm taking care of!

Hey Hopeforhelp. We gave them both bravecto and have been vacuuming like crazy but the eggs hatch in stages and from what I read it can take up to 3 months to get them all. It is horrible. I want to just burn down the house and start over.

Hi sp19690 - wow, I can totally understand !! That really sounds rough - those flees do multiply fast! I really hope that you're at the home stretch and your home (and cats) will be flee-less soon!!
I'm sure your cats are thanking you!

Happiness = when everything in your life is going great.


Happiness is
...getting the shower temperature right the first time.


Happiness is
...when your neighbour's wifi is not password protected.

Bundle..the unprotected wifi comment is funny. Lol
Someone said I should keep a journal. I tried writing things in a notebook but it made me cry. Letting go of feelings is difficult for me.

❤️🙂 totally by chance catskie, i was literally about to post this here, before i read your comment.

Happiness is
...finally letting go of something.


Happiness is
...when your shampoo & conditioner finish together.

Having control over my own time makes me happiest. Because then I can do what makes me happy, alone or with people who make me happy, where I am happy.

I am happy that I am safe, sheltered, fed, financially stable and loved.


Happiness is
...getting pictures of ducklings from friends.

Happiness is having a couple of grandkids snuggling up to you while you read to them. Then they fall asleep on you and you can't get up b/c you have 75 lbs of "grandkids" on you. So you fall asleep too and when mom and dad get home, they almost cry with the sweetness of the scene.

Oh, and the 80lb dog is on your legs, so you're well and truly trapped.

Enjoying the tender mercies of a day and acknowledging the blessings you have.


Happiness is
...a laughter attack for no reason.


Happiness is
...accidentally getting a recipe right.


Happiness is
...standing up for what is right.


Happiness is
...being appreciated.

Love this thread.

Happiness is being able to see so many good things among the not so good.


Happiness is
...taking control of your own happiness.


Happiness is
...making peace with your past so it won't mess up your present.

Happiness is a visit w friends and enjoying good food, wine and lots of laughter. The kind of laughter that makes my sides hurt.

Happiness is being content and envious of no one.

I loved the comments from others about being out in nature or trapped in a chair w sleeping kids and a dog!

Happiness is the lull between problems. :)

Happiness means different things to different people.

It also depends upon what stage of life you’re in. Things that were important to me in my youth don’t matter at all to me today.

Ask a 21 year old what happiness means and then ask a 67 year old like myself what happiness means and I guarantee that you’ll get two entirely different answers.

Anyway, I would say that there is a major difference in having inner joy and being happy. I would rather have joy in my life. Joy is a choice that a person makes rather than chasing after happiness. Happiness is temporary. Inner joy is everlasting contentment.

Amazing responses from folks, so insightful and some funny too. I'm learning a lot from folks on this forum too and also laughing at the humorous comments from some people. Thank y'all!

@Hopeforhelp22, you're right I should answer the post too and it is a deep question. To be honest I'm still searching, ever searching..

When I was younger, early 20's, to mid-30's. I had a plan for what I thought would be happiness for me. I'm well beyond the 5-0 now. Lots of clichés come to mind, ship has sailed, missed the boat, and so on. This was my kind of a idealistic view on happiness then and I guess it still is.

A deep question, deserves a deep answer.

It all begins with finding a mutual loving partner, a life partner, that understood me completely and I understood them and I don't mean completing each other's sentences. To have children and bring them up to be kind and be compassionate people.

Didn't care about the big house, big car all other material things, I always seemed to know that would never bring happiness,

To live as one with nature as possible, have the simple things in life in a kind off-grid way with some home comforts :) I wouldn't call it living like a Hippie, but I'm one that definitely thinks that systems and money are at the center of a lot of unhappiness and go against nature. I think currently we live in world where you need money to get away from the systems, get freer from the systems, to give us a sense of joy.

and finally I would try to bring happiness to all people I encounter. Try to see what gives them joy and bring them more of it; as if my happiness would rub off on them, and they subsequently pass it on to others.

Btw, a loving partner does not imply to depend on for happiness, but to be a passenger beside me in this fleeting journey on this planet, sharing whatever problems life throws back at you along the way. By loving partner I mean loving without the images people create for one another.

Screeeeeeeeeeeeech....Grinding Halt.... it didn't happen. :)

I guess that's why now, I have moments of happiness rather than have enduring happiness. It was the enduring happiness I strived for, because I believe it to be the natural way for human beings to live on this planet.

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