My Alz husband has been asking me to take him to the doctor for medication so he can have sex. We have a new home health aid and he is talking to her about it. I spoke with her and she said she is not offended that she knows alz people do that and has experience in that area. I spoke to his doctor to let her know this is something new he has started and she said it is not uncommon but I will have to try and redirect him. Does anyone have any ideas of what to say in trying to redirect and refocus his attention.
Have sex with him.
I've also heard - no good source to back this up - that some men get obsessive about sex on too high a dose of Aricept. This is likely unique to the man, however.
Talking to the doctor is a must but so is understanding that this type of talk seems to be "normal" when inhibitions disappear and people are left with their basic drives.
Keep up the conversation. Women, particularly, need advice here but men, too have issues with it. They don't always feel comfortable having sex with a woman who really can't consent even though she seems to welcome it. It's a very difficult issue that professionals still struggle with.
Take care all,
As the disease progressed, he forgot about sex and most everything else, including how to talk and walk, until he passed away last year. He had no other illnesses, so his physical body was in good shape - even at 73 years old. Bill was always kind of a sexual guy - so as I look back, I'm grateful I was able to give him something I knew he really enjoyed. Even though I really didn't want to, it was a small thing for me to do for him. He lost a lot of his memory, became incontinent and losing control of his thoughts, his words, his balance, etc., etc., etc., so with sexual encounters with me, he at least had something he could actively participate in. He was the most kind, gentle, unselfish human being I've ever known. He was a wonderful husband, father, grandfather and friend - and I love and miss him every single day.
Does that answer your question? Obviously your wife hasn't reached that stage yet. You just wait! You will be turned off too. And yes I do clean him up regularly but in a matter of hours he is filthy again, requires another shower, cleaning, drying, dressing, etc. Not to mention all the wash I do everyday of soiled clothing. cleaning the bathroom up time after time because it gets all over everything.
Love to fish. Posting forums with bait and watching the fish swarm can be interesting.
As a man {big A grin} you should give more ROFL.
Every woman should have a bottle of Viagra on hand in case he's unable to ejaculate
This post has it right : You just have to join their journey and fly by the seat of your pants. There is no right or wrong but telling them it's not going to happen or going ahead and having sex is not the answer. It's like arguing with a 2 year old.
having sex is not the answer but what if he's clean and nice maybe......
Best reply:
Just handle your situation anyway you want because you are the only one who knows your husband.