
My 79-yr old father has had a UTI since April (8 months ago). He has to get up in the night about once an hour and has not had a good night sleep in weeks. He has been hospitalised recently when he couldn't void and had a lot of blood (also elevated pulse and heart rate due to stress of it). It cleared up in the hospital, but the UTI hasn't gone away. He's been on a number of antibiotics that haven't seemed to work. He has seen a PCP a and a urologist number of times, but there doesn't seem to be an answer. His quality of life is declining as a result. Anyone else experience this and have advice?

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I don't like to assume - has your father's prostate been checked out while all this has been going on?

I'm embarrassed to realise that I don't know how the system works for expatriates living in the UK. Is your father accessing the NHS or is he with private providers?
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Please try D-Mannose. I swear by it and was getting upwards of 4 UTIs a year, threatened with daily Cipro. It works like a charm for me and no UTI for more than a decade. It has worked for others I recommended it to. Not acidic but works like cranberry but better in that bacteria have a hard time adhereing to the bladder wall. I get mine from Amazon, Source Natural 120 capsules for about 30.00. Can open capsule and empty powder, almost tasteless, into juice. It is certainly worth a try at that cost.
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I agree with Country. Not being able to void maybe his prostrate. UTIs are very serious in Men.
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Thanks all. Super impressed with this site and the quality of answers. My Dad went to the urologist yesterday after about 4 trips to the ER over the last month (not being able to void + bleeding). After eliminating bladder cancer and not detecting any infections (cultures came back negative this week), they think it is interstitial cystitis and have recommended some drugs + Flomax. I'm a bit sceptical because interstitial cystitis tends to middle aged women, not older men. But we'll see how this goes.

I live in the UK and my Dad is in the US covered by my Mom's health insurance. For what it's worth--NHS is great here, but still experiences the same challenges as the US system (but costs less money)!!
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Have the done a CAT scan of his bladder and kidneys?

My husband had a similar problem last year; it was a problem with a blockage in one of his ureters and required surgery.
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