
my back is shot and she still thinks I can do everything. i'm suffering, she doesn't see me that way.

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Nixsa, I can so related to what you write. I am a 61-year old woman, but my mother confuses me with a 20-year old strong man. She doesn't understand why I get tired and why I have trouble carrying 50 lbs. It can drive me crazy when she doesn't "get" my limitations. I have to remind her quite often and she usually just scoffs.

Tell us a bit more about what your mother wants you to do and people may have some tricks they found that work for them. Have you looked around to see what else might be available for your mother. It is hard to live with someone who is depressed. We can try to pull them up, but often they just end up pulling us down. Tell us a bit more and someone may be able to help.
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It said on your bio that you're taking care of your mother? She's only 73 years old, and is it just depression that plagues her? Without knowing anymore, I wonder what meds she's on, why she has to live with YOU, can she move into an apartment, or asst living? Too many questions I guess. But I'd say if you've already got these physical limitations on your own body, I'm not sure why you've decided to add yet another physical limitation to drain what you need to survive. If she needs to move into a facility where there are people that don't have these physical limitations, I don't know why she is living with you in the first place. If there's no money, then start getting her your mother qualified for Medicaid and Medicare. Lots of red tape and hoops to jump thru, so be prepared.
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