My husband is 88, I am 66. I am his full time caregiver, with limited relief from his 2 daughters. He has been diagnosed with vascular dementia, has some mobility issues, (uses a walker) and functions pretty well, generally, although easily disoriented and confused. Today I got a call that I needed to get a second mammogram, with more detail, and of course I am a bit worried. His response was totally self-absorbed and all about how depressed he was. No real support at all, no empathy, rather dismissive of my concerns. He was always a thoughtful considerate guy, and this is heartbreaking. Is this normal?? How to cope without feeling so hurt?? Thanks...
Don’t deny your feelings of hurt, but don’t dwell on them. If Hubby says he’s depressed, say, “I am, too!”
I went through that with my sig other who didn't have dementia, he pretty much ran and hid emotionally, and told me point blank that prostate issues were much worse :P
You would think the boys would be all over squishing boobies for science...