
I find it difficult to keep track of my dad at night time. He tries to get out
so I had to take keys away. I forgot to take my back one away and he managed to get out, It was windy and heavy rain, if not for one of neighbours I dread to think what would have happened to him.
How can I prevent this from happening again?

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Disable his vehicle, assuming he has one, and install locks on the outside doors that are high enough to where he cannot reach them.

Then consider placement for your dad in Memory Care; dementia often reaches a point where in home care becomes impossible, especially with Sundowning and sleepless nights. In the meantime, see if his doctor can prescribe low dose Xanax or something equivalent to relax him for sleep. Over the counter Melatonin seems to work for some.

Here are some tips for coping with Sundowning:

If a loved one is exhibiting these signs, these 10 things may help you decrease the intensity of the episode and potentially reduce the frequency of episodes.

Have a daily schedule that includes a bedtime routine. Simple cues like taking a bath, drinking a cup of tea, or reading a book can signal that it’s time to start calming down for bedtime.

Stay active during the day. During daylight hours, be sure your loved one is getting some form of stimulation or exercise to help them feel more relaxed during the night.

Start a daily journal to identify potential patterns of activity and sundowning. For example, if you see that a walk before bed is making symptoms worse, consider moving the walk to earlier in the day. 

Try to avoid napping at least 4 hours before bedtime. This will help your loved one actually feel tired when it’s time for bed.

When the sun starts setting, draw the curtains and turn on lights. Shadows and darkness can increase symptoms of sundowning.

Do not argue with a loved one if they are experiencing hallucinations and delusions. Live in their reality. Arguing will only lead to anger.

Eliminate caffeine or alcohol, especially later in the day. Keeping a steady level of energy, especially before bedtime is important in calming symptoms of sundowning. Caffeine can cause bursts of energy and alcohol can contribute to feelings of disorientation and confusion.

Reduce noise, clutter, and people in the room. Find a quiet and calm place for your loved one to relax before bedtime and prepare for a good night’s sleep.

Avoid sudden movements or unexpected touching. If your loved one is feeling threatened or scared, these unanticipated events can worsen symptoms.

Seek medical attention. Sundowning has been linked to infections, particularly urinary tract infections. Treating these infections may also help treat symptoms of sundowning.

Best of luck!
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You can buy some door alarms so if he tries to get out of the house, you will be alerted. Or you can look into buying some pads with alarms when he gets out of bed or up out of a chair, there is an alarm.

There is a special program you might be aware of (I don't know if it is available through every police station or not) where you can register your father with info as to the address, etc. and they keep a picture on file in case he wanders. Then the officers are alerted to helpful info in the search to find him.

I would be very cautious now as he has wandered before. My mother wandered in broad daylight on a hot summer day. She was barefoot and wandered off to some woods by a pond. I needed to call the DNR (it happened at our cottage) and they came with a search party and dogs. It was VERY scary. My mother did not answer anyone's calls when we shouted out her name. She was completely oblivious to her surroundings. After that, I knew I needed to move her to a memory care facility that had door locks/alarms. I would check into an appropriate facility for your father now as it takes time to find one, get the paperwork done, etc. Safety is hard to ensure when they begin to wander, etc.
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I guess you need to do better about locking the doors at night. Like every night.

And I agree it's time to consider memory care. Or hiring an overnight person to keep an eye on him so you can get some sleep and he stays safe.
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