
My siblings call my mother once in awhile to check on her with a very brief phone call. Rarely visit her.

She will talk about issues, then they criticize me for not doing things the right way. They have no clue that my mother doesn’t always do what she is supposed to, she only tells them of mishaps that occur afterward and I get blamed. My mother will not defend me to them.

She is so happy to hear from them and it’s the old, keep the peace story. I understand that she misses them but I feel hurt that she allows them to speak badly about me, her daughter who does everything for her. My siblings do not know her daily routine.

So hurtful to me. Her doctors have all told me that I do a wonderful job in caring the best I can for her. My siblings have no contact with nurses or doctors due to I am the one who accompanies her to doctor appointments and emergency hospital visits. Very frustrating to me. My siblings never ask me how I am doing. It would mean the world to me just to have them ask how I feel. I feel pushed aside, forgotten about.

I have always been the closest to my parents. My dad died several years ago and only asked me to care for mom. I think he knew I was the responsible one. The one he could rely on. I took care of him too.

I always wanted to be just as close to my siblings but they lived their own lives without wanting a close relationship to me. They came to holiday dinners though. Not to brag but I’m a great cook.

By the way, I always babysat their children too. When my children were born they had limited contact with them, same as they only had limited contact with my parents and me. They always found the time to do whatever they wanted to do, hang out with their friends, etc. Family was never a priority to them.

If others have suggestions about how to handle siblings, please let me know. I always thought loved ones should pull together in hard times but they continue to ignore me.

Thanks for listening. It helps to have a shoulder to lean on.

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> If you must, send documentation about what you are doing, relate that to what mom says isn't true and ask them to take over if they think they can do a better job!

Along these lines, but... voluntarily send regular updates with the facts. That way when mom starts telling tales, you are not "defending yourself," you're just continuing to keep them informed about what's going on.

You say they don't know her daily routine... tell them about it. Not accusingly, just conversationally. As if you were talking to an interested friend on the phone.

If it makes sense, you can include finances in these updates. You can also list things that need to be done, upcoming appointments, etc.

Sometimes, people actually DO want to help but it seems like someone else has taken over and either does not need help or would not welcome it.

And try to let go of negative thoughts about other people. They take up valuable emotional energy and drag you down. You can't change how others think and behave, you can only control yourself.

Good luck!
Helpful Answer (4)

Your siblings sucks. Forget about them and do your best to look after your mom. You are on your own but you are not alone. Hopefully, she is still mobile and you can travel with her on a cruise or take getaways for yourself. Best to you.
Helpful Answer (1)

No one truly understands what a caregiver goes through unless they do it themselves. So my advice would be to just stop. Unless you want to be the martyr, pull them into their responsibility. You could start by taking a week off from your caregiving duties, and tell them they have to fill in/figure it out. A friend of mine did this, and her siblings changed their tune. They didn't help much more, but they quit being critical.
Helpful Answer (3)
NeedHelpWithMom Jan 2019
Thanks. Glad it helped her some.
My heart goes out to you. Siblings are quick to criticize but don't step up day to day. Know that you are doing the best despite the difficulties. YOU did the best for her.
Helpful Answer (1)
NeedHelpWithMom Jan 2019
Thanks. I appreciate your kindness and understanding the situation.

Thanks for your kindness and truthfulness. I appreciate it so very much. I don’t think any of us were prepared to deal with what we have had to endure. Some people get it and others don’t have a clue.

Plus we all have unique, individual circumstances. There is no, ‘One size fits all.’, answer.
Helpful Answer (5)
NeedHelpWithMom Jan 2019
You are so right! Gee, it’s nice to see honest, genuine people like you.
See 1 more reply

I am truly very sorry about your grandfather. Good for you for caring for him. I loved mine too, just like I love my mom. I am caring for my mom. Just like you wanted the best for him, I want the best for my mom.

Just a simple little question? Did you have help in your caregiving duties? I surely hope so because it’s hard as hell doing it all alone since 2005 in my home. Many years before that in mom’s home. My dad at the same time, my oldest brother who died, my mother in law and husband’s grandmother. So yeah, a big chunk of my my life. I’m tired.

Once again, I do feel everyone is entitled to their opinion. That what makes the world go round. We all have a part.

Some things you’ve said are taken out of context though. I mentioned gifts not because I am materialistic, nor is my mom for that matter. She grew up during the depression. She only wants love and attention from my siblings and she deserves that just like you and I loved our grandfathers.

A phone call for her birthday isn’t taking money out of their pocket. I never, ever implied I wanted them to buy her things. I don’t think I am better because I have bought her things. The priceless gift that I give her is my love. I care for her. Not lip service like my hypocrital brothers.

She deserves to be remembered on special days. Mother’s Day is just another day to them and then she feels awful they forgot her. I don’t blame her. She’s 93! She fears she’s going to die without being acknowledged by her sons. Pathetic on their part. Yet she still loves them, which is both wonderful and sad at the same time that they don’t want to make time for her.

When she was in her house they had friends that lived right down the street from her house and she’d see their car at their house and thought they might stop by her house to say hello and they didn’t.

I love when my kids tell me they love me on mother’s day. But they call me often. They speak to my mom often. She rarely gets calls from them. It stinks! They are selfish. They’ve always been caught up in their own lives and never showed consideration for those they should show the most.

My brothers have missed out on knowing their mother. I know the good and bad (by far more good.) They know hardly anything. I’ll have memories of mom that last a lifetime. Sad thing is they don’t care. My hope is one day they will. They did the same thing with my grandparents, aunts and uncles, no time for family.

It is interesting though, their wives, the women they were busy chasing ended up seeing them for who they truly are and left them.

I don’t want money for myself to buy fancy stuff. I want to make sure mom gets everything she needs. My brothers have always squandered away their money and these are my mom’s golden years.

Am I exhausted? You bet! Do I need a break? Doesn’t everyone? None of us are superheroes. Would be nice if we had special powers.

As as far as missing any of your posts. I have no idea how long you have been posting but I am new here. Just looking for support in an overwhelming job as you well know. Plus, if I am going to read posts of certain people, it’s going to be people that I feel I relate to most. Please give respect to receive it.

It doesn’t matter if we have different outlooks on things. Just a little advice from a newbie to someone who has experience here, be kind, show compassion. You might be pleased because you get what you give. People pick up on when someone is abrasive. Even if you don’t realize it or mean it. Also. if you dish it out, be ready to take it as well. No one signed up to be a doormat.

Also, if I wish to speak to an attorney, I will. I wouldn’t try to coerce anyone about anything. The only thing I would be interested in is having my questions answered. If you think I’m greedy, I’m not. I’ve spent the most because it brought me joy to do so. I’ve spent my own money. She puts her money aside.
Helpful Answer (3)
Heather10 Apr 2019

No. Neither my siblings, nor my parents, helped me care for my grandfather.

Yes. It was exhausting.

Still. It was my choice to care for him. So I felt it was pointless to hold anything against any other family members.

At the very end medicare did provide some help in the form of a CNA. If your mother has medicare, contact them. With a doctors note you can have a covered CNA come to your home.

You may also be eligible of intermittent nursing care at a registered facility.

This takes place after being in a hospital for three consecutive days and can last for some period of time before the patient is again released. At that point you can again get a CNA to come to the home, covered by medicare.
I have the same problem with my siblings, only worse. A wise experienced caregiver once remarked to me that "guilt does funny things to some people." Rather than acknowledging their own neglect and selfishness and having to suffer the guilt, they turn it outward on you in the form of criticism etc. It's unfair and sad, but it is what it is. I am so sorry you are having to suffer through this.
Helpful Answer (3)
NeedHelpWithMom Jan 2019
Thanks for understanding. It’s people with your compassion that make this site meaningful.

Indeed your caregiver was wise indeed.
See 1 more reply
I have that situation too and I understand completely. My brother and sister both have a lot to say about how I treat Mom and what I do for her but they won't do anything themselves. Mom is angry and upset that they don't visit very often and never call and, since I'm the one who does, I have to bear the brunt of her anger. I go to see her every Sunday, take her out for lunch or dinner and go shopping. I also take her to events she wants to attend. From the time I pick her up at her memory care facility to the time we get back, 85 percent of her conversation is complaints, 10 percent is put downs directed at me, and the other 5 percent is when she's actually nice. I told her recently that my brother and sister don't have to take all the complaints and put downs and she said "Well, they never visit me." I replied that if that was the case, maybe I'd stop visiting too. That scared her into much better behavior for the next few weeks. When she lived with me (5 years), she had given up driving and, as we both bank at the same credit union, she put me on her account so I could do her banking. It was not my decision but I was the only one she trusted. My siblings have both filed for bankruptcy and never have managed their money well. Now that they are having financial issues, they expect me to dole out Mom's money to them and I won't do it. They have both accused me of "living off Mom." I have not taken a penny of my mother's money. I pay her bills, deposit her checks, do her holiday shopping, and bring her cash when she asks for it. Our finances are completely separate. I have offered to turn this responsibility over to my siblings but they refuse and Mom protests that she doesn't trust them. So I'm caught in the middle, getting flak from both sides. Not a great place to be. The bulk of her finances are, fortunately, in a trust with a trustee that is not family. I am basically the liason between my siblings and the trustee. I work with him to do her taxes, watch her investments, and care for her property. I wish I had an answer for how to make things better, but the closest I can come up with was already mentioned above - tell the siblings you will turn over the keys to them and vanish for awhile. Let them get a good idea how much time you spend out of your own life to preserve hers.
Helpful Answer (4)
NeedHelpWithMom Jan 2019
Wow! Lots of similarities. Yep, you certainly understand my situation because you are in the same sinking boat! Thanks for responding to my post. Take care.

Your mom is lucky to have ave a dedicated daughter.
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If your mother is living with you, I would definitely ask for a nominal amount of rent to cover her expenses. This is the least your siblings should agree too.

I look after both my parents who live in an independent retirement home but no longer cook or clean. Running to appointments, cleaning and making meals lies on my shoulders as I live nearby. I am very very fortunate that my dad gifts me money every month because they are grateful for my assistance. The only downside to this is that my siblings know about this arrangement (and I have no problems with the fact they know) and so it may give them less of an incentive to get involved.
Helpful Answer (0)
NeedHelpWithMom Jan 2019
I agree with you but my mom is set in her ways. My brothers are selfish and it’s a dead end road. I live my life in frustration, depressed at times, anxiety of what lies ahead and memories of how it used to be when I was my mom’s daughter instead of full time caregiver.
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The last thing I ever wanted was to have total control of things. The topic is how we want and need help from our siblings. Believe me when I say that I am not on a ‘power trip.’ I would say no one writing on this site is on a power trip to control. We started out doing what we felt in our heart was the loving thing to do, care for our parents. If not, we would have abandoned them or dumped them in a facility somewhere and not even visit. Quite sure if I hadn’t taken mom in, that’s where she’d be. My brothers would not have offered to have my mom in their home. My dad wanted her with me because I showed my love for them.

I lovingly and willingly invited my mom my to stay with us. My brothers are self absorbed.

Of course, it’s moms money. I have never asked her for a dime. I buy her lovely gifts for birthdays, Christmas, Mother day, etc. I took my parents out or had them over for dinner frequently. I took care of my dad before he died. I drove him to speech therapy three times a week after his stroke, doctor appointments, etc. My brothers never did it. When I asked them to take a turn they had a million excuses.

My brothers don’t even give my mom a card or even call her for her birthday. It’s sad. She can divide her money (about 20 thousand), she doesn’t have a fortune. She can give to a charity of her choice if she chooses. She doesn’t pay a dime of rent because we never asked her to.

My only point about money was that care is expensive and she is saving money so my brothers will get a share, she doesn’t have a lot but she deserves the best care.

I deserve a break from time to time and sitters aren’t cheap. I’ve never hired a sitter. She deserves to have me rested and refreshed rather than exhausted from doing it all. I would gladly pay for a sitter if my children were taking care of me in their homes. I’d want them to take a break from me and have some fun. My mom has become so dependent on me. Codependency isn’t healthy for anyone.

Her money shouldn’t be spent for my brothers to buy more toys with, musical instruments, eating out all the time, etc. My brothers have never managed money well and my parents always bailed them out. One went bankrupt, had 4 wives and cheated on all of them, the other didn’t pay child support and had his paycheck garnished. He got so many speeding tickets that his insurance went up so much and he couldn’t make the payments on his truck. The truck was repossessed, so he bought a motorcycle. They weren’t ever responsible people.

They never visited my parents. Only at holiday dinners to eat and run. Or they would drop off their kids for my mom to babysit them all the time. My mother wanted to see the children so she did it. I babysat them too. But they never wanted to be involved with my kids. One way street with them.

It’s normal to feel growing resentment when you wittiness your brothers use and mistreat the people who raised them. Also normal when they do the same to me when I have taken care of OUR mother. All children in the family should share in the responsibility, not just one of us.

Last resort, an elder attorney may have to be called but what a shame that they won’t do what is best for everyone involved.

My parents came from the generation where ‘females do all the work.’ Women are nurturers. Well, we are nurturing but men should be as well, not just women.

As as far as mom picking up on resentment from me, I have a right to tell her how I feel just as much as she has a right to mention how she feels. She’s hurt when they don’t remember her on birthdays or mother’s day but she excuses them. She always has. This isn’t a recent thing just because she’s old.

I stayed out of her relationship with my brothers before she lived with me because it didn’t matter as much.
Now it does matter. Their behavior makes life more difficult for me.

All of us here are looking for guidance in handling tough situations.
Helpful Answer (4)
LeoNine9 Jan 2019
Dear friend,
God bless you. I know what you are going through with family members who don't call or come by, or anything. It's ironic that my mom, whom my husband and I care for, has two grandkids in town, who are near forty years old, who never (ever!) call to see how their only Gramma is doing. Of course they know Mom is cared for, but hey! when I was growing up, I rode my bike to my grandma and grampa's house all the time. Calling to say "what's up!" and "do you need anything?" was common. I feel like there is a big, sad, gap in the empathy and compassion of younger people. I mean, when you're almost 40, it's time to grow up and show a little concern for the woman who was everyone's safety net for the last 65 years. Again, God bless you for your care of your Mom. This website is a little place of refuge for us all, huh? :) Keep that beautiful smile on your face, and give it to your dear Momma. ! The angels are watching.
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Thanks for your response. You are so right. It’s challenging to be in this situation. Somehow, we’ll get through it. Thanks for understanding.
Helpful Answer (1)

Only daughter and sue,

Thanks so much for listening and replying to my post. Means a lot to me. Helps to be understood by others.
Helpful Answer (2)


I can tell that you understand. I appreciate everything you had to say and I will look for that book on Amazon. Thanks.
Helpful Answer (1)

Zelda, great quote. I have to remember that. We try to explain to teach others to become united as a family but unfortunately not all listen. Then we have to do exactly what that quote says. Thanks for reminding us of that.
Helpful Answer (1)

Thank you for your kind words. My children have noticed and have told me that they will care for me just as I have for my mom. That means everything to me. You lifted me up and I appreciate it.
Helpful Answer (1)

I love this quote by "Anonymous":

"Never waste your time explaining who you are
to those that are committed to misunderstanding
Helpful Answer (8)

Your children will remember the care you gave. They are learning the way to treat you, if and when you should need it. It is a selfless sacrifice you are making. Your mother is very lucky to have you. Find strength in knowing that the only people that matter in recognizing what you are doing is yourself, your kids and our eternal father.
Helpful Answer (4)

Some people bond through gossip and drama. When there is none to be had they create it out of thin air, turning your efforts into something failed or nefarious.

They do this because it's infinitely easier to gossip and complain than to do the
backbreaking work of actual care giving. They do this so the focus is on the failings of you, the care giver, than on their own selfish behavior.

They do this so when their supposed LO passes, they can help themselves to whatever money is left guilt free.

And parents enable this, put them on bank accounts and make them executors, gossip and complain about the sibling that does all the work and makes the financial sacrifices, because deep down they know that they will only see these
selfish exploitative adult children through bribery of their own money and the sick entertainment of sacrificing the reputation of their good hearted, hard working children. Callous exploitative people resent you, for making them look bad and threatening their piece of the money pie, no matter how small. I've seen these
types become abusive over a few thousand.

Your Mom cares more for the illusion of a strong united family than the reality of
having raised exploitative callous individuals who care only for her money. And
not for her care. Your back breaking work is essentially saving their inheritance
for them.

If you haven't heard about this book "In Sheep's Clothing" by George Simon, I'd
get a copy and read through it. It's short and to the point. It will help make sense
of what you're dealing with. I'm so sorry that you've been put in this position.
You are a good hearted soul who deserves much better. Best of luck!!!
Helpful Answer (5)
Onlydaughter93 Jan 2019
Your comments show a lot of insight; good writing...
Dear Need Help,
You are experiencing what many of us on the board are experiencing-in "name only" siblings.
So now you know what you and your mother mean to your family-very little.
I'm sorry for you both but time to change your attitude toward family. You need to tighten up your backbone and be the one in charge!

*Tell them you will no longer discuss your mother or your care of her with them since they can't seem to say anything positive. DON'T defend yourself-YOU DON'T HAVE TO.
*If that doesn't work, go NO contact with them. You don't need to listen to any negativity about the GREAT job you're doing. You need to know YOU have the ball in YOUR court. YOU are the c/g, not them. They SHOULD be kissing your feet! Or at least be appreciative of what you do for their mother.
YOU set the rules. You are LETTING them act this way towards you. DEMAND respect!
(Can you tell that these situations p*ss me off?)

WHEN they chip in to help with moms care, then you can be civil. Right now they have power over you-reclaim it-take it back. Don't be a door mat for these ingrates. Stand your ground.
Family ain't what it's cracked up to be. There are no 'Leave it to Beaver' families.

God bless you for caring for your mom.
Helpful Answer (4)
Onlydaughter93 Jan 2019
I agree, on all points
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First remember Mom has nothing else to talk about, and yes you are the brunt of it. Siblings need to know that Mom may exaggerate and that if they want the truth they need to come as spend a day or take Mom over to them for a day. My siblings had no idea about my father until an emergency came up and I had to leave him with one of my five siblings one day. OH! Now they know, now most of them understand, and guess what... most of them don't want the job because nothing travels faster than word of mouth! yes the one I left him with told the next one and so on. Yes I still have one sibling that still thinks there is nothing to it and HE is OWED something!
Anyway, If I were you... have an emergency... call a sibling tell them this is a must and leave Mom with that sibling for a few hours.
Helpful Answer (2)
NeedHelpWithMom Jan 2019
Absolutely correct in saying my mom has nothing to talk about. I’ve asked her to go to community senior center, she won’t go. They serve lunch, do crafts, play bingo, make friends, etc.

Her outings are doctor appointments. She seems to feel that is all that is left. She’s tired. I think deep down she is ready to join my father in the afterlife.
It is your mother's money and it is her decision to divide it equally.

If you do not like her choice, you can refuse to be her caregiver. Perhaps then she will release some funds to you for her care, when your other siblings refuse to show up to care for her.

With that said, with my clients, I find this issue arises when one adult child insists on exerting control over everything, without consulting the other siblings.

Also sometimes the caregiver sibling is receiving other benefits such taking the parents entire social security check as a fee for room and board.

Caregiving is a labor of love. Perhaps your mother is picking up your resentment and feels that you are only being a caregiver as a way to inherit everything.

Was it your choice to act as caregiver? Did you discuss options with your siblings?

Sometimes the other siblings would prefer to use mom's money for a facility where mom will receive professional care. Or, sometimes they live far away and want mom to move to their state, but the caregiver sibling balks about that.

Lastly, if you need the funds and are receiving no other form of compensation from mom, perhaps it is time to contact an elder care attorney to discuss a release of needed funds.
Helpful Answer (0)
NeedHelpWithMom Jan 2019

Wow, lots of assumptions and implications about something you know nothing about. Just to inform you, you couldn’t be more off base.

I welcome everyone’s input and you don’t even have to agree. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but next time, try reading everything before you comment please.

Don’t know what your profession is and your profile is extremely vague, saying only that you are caring for a friend in an assisted living facility. Hardly the same as primary caregiver for a parent.

I’m not one of your “clients” and based on your conversation here, I don’t think I would want to be.
See 2 more replies
I have been caring for my Mom for 3 years now. Whenever I complain, they automatically come up with reasons why she is like that. Small things, like I struggle keeping her warm and my husband cool. I am actually hoping for sympathy or empathy and they come up with her skin is thinner than ours. Right! I know this! I want to thank the air flight attendant for giving me this web site. I feel like I’ll be needing this in my future.
Helpful Answer (3)
NeedHelpWithMom Jan 2019
Oh, so true! Many of us are going through the same thing.
Hi, it’s me again with a new question that I need answered. As my screen name says, NeedHelpWithMom, I really do.

My mother has a small amount of money in bank about 20 thousand in (cds). Even though I am Medical Power of Attorney, a convenience for my mother and brothers because I am most familiar with medical issues because mom lives with me so I can care for her on a daily basis.

She has my brother’s names on her bank account because she wants to be fair to them, not leave them out. My name is on checking, again for their convenience so I can pick up and pay for her meds and personal items, as well as shop for her personal needs after my husband gets home. I don’t have any time to spend doing anything fun with my husband. No one to care for mom while we would be at a movie or out to dinner.

I need to know if any of you would approach my mother to say that she needs to cash a cd to give me funds to help in getting me a sitter so I can have some much needed time off!

Oh, she has also named my youngest brother executor of her will which I haven’t even seen.

She seems to think this is fair and she has divided things equally. No one is left out. Are you kidding me?

My brothers will walk away with thousands of dollars after she dies, without lifting a finger to help me. This is driving me crazy to think about. I could use some of those funds to pay for help. There is hardly anything in her checking account and she hoards that because she doesn’t have burial insurance or plan and expects me to pay for her burial. HELP!

Neither of my brothers are responsible with money. One went bankrupt twice. They both spend, spend, spend on expensive unimportant things, such as musical instruments, (20 plus guitars), amps, keyboards, etc. Meanwhile, my husband and I are paying for important things with little finances left over.

One brother actually complained about paying child support to his children and got mad when he stopped paying and his ex hired an attorney and had his wages garnished.

They will take money after my mom dies and buy more stuff! I’m not materialistic like they are. I never shop for myself. Can’t remember last time I bought new clothes, shoes, etc.
It’s a mess. Please advise me.

Helpful Answer (0)
againx100 Jan 2019
That is such a horrible situation. So grossly unfair!

Have you told mom that she needs money for expenses? I hope you are not paying out of your pocket for things when she has money in CDs. Some of that money could be used to prepay funeral expenses, etc. If not, make sure the CD money (your brother's equal share) is used to pay for it when the time comes.
My heart goes out to you. There are no easy answers. I have been in a similar situation for the last 15 years. My mother had essential tremors for years and wasn't safe in the kitchen, so I stepped up. My sisters talked a big game, but never actually showed up. Then mom was diagnosed with Alzheimer's. I never left her side. My sisters still talked about doing more, but never did. My mother passed away 8 months ago and I am now taking care of my father who has dementia and is very difficult. I finally just accepted reality. They had years to help, but didn't. That was their choice and no amount of saying that I needed help moved them. No amount of mom crying because she didn't understand what was going on moved them. And now everyone wants to stay away from angry father. So, I do the best I can every day. That's all any of us can do. And at the end of the day, I know I did the right thing for my parents. Sometimes I get angry, but most times I'm determined to get through this with as much dignity for all as is possible. Support groups help as does counseling. Wishing you the very best.
Helpful Answer (1)
Skeeterbug Jan 2019
Hi- Try reading The Coconut Oil and Low Carb Solution to Alzheimer’s by Dr Newport- It may give really good results with minimum hassle-
Toadhall and Theresa, I hear you both loud and clear, yep, we are all in the same boat just trying to keep afloat! Thanks for responding to my post. I well know that I’m not alone here. What a joy and comfort that is for me. Thanks to everyone here from the bottom of my heart.
Helpful Answer (2)

My brother is so rude and hateful to me and my mom. She has complained about him too but gets mad when I complain about him. I can't drive and I'm not about to inconvenience him by asking him to take me to Dr appointments or the store. I have friends who help me out. When he does come over he sits and messes around on his phone. Maybe this is petty but I haven't gotten a Christmas card or present or anything for my birthday from him for several years. It's not like he doesn't have the money either. He can just take off in his RV any time he wants while I'm up every 1 to 2 hours during the night helping my mom to the bathroom. He's out having a good time while I'm trying to figure out what the heck I'm going to fix for dinner. I've resorted to having my groceries delivered rather than ask friends. It's expensive but you pay for the convenience. It seems like we're all in the same boat here.
Helpful Answer (1)

This is such a common problem that I am thinking if forming a club. It may help to look at it from your mom's point of view. She raised these kids and now they ignore her. This must cause her a lot of grief. She cannot admit to herself that her other kids are selfish and mean. This is not an excuse for her behavior but it is a reason. If she tells them how disappointed she is with them, they will likely stop all contact with her. She can't have that. She could tell you how disappointed she is with them and how much she appreciates you. She should be nicer but it's not going to happen. Trying to understand what's going on from her point of view may help you accept the situation.
Helpful Answer (0)

disgusted too,

You have described exactly how it is! Thanks for your input. I hate second guessing myself when my mom and siblings try to make me feel guilty. They only see her a few of times a year. When they call which isn’t very often either, they act like they know everything. In reality, they are clueless. I am the one who deals with the day to day needs of my mother.

My grandmother, mom’s mom used to say “Give me flowers when I’m living, not when I’m dead.” How true that is!

We can’t change our siblings, nor make them see our side. It’s hard. I try to just keep going through the motions and block them out as much as I can. Does get to me when I am feeling down. There are ‘pot stirrers’ in my family. We have different outlooks on life.

I am more about addressing concerns and they are more about living their own lives and leaving me to be on autopilot taking care of mom’s needs as I have always done.

Thank God for this site because it’s hard being isolated due to caring for my mom 24/7 365. It helps to be able to vent and get feedback from those who have been in my shoes. Thanks again for listening.
Helpful Answer (4)
Teresa914 Jan 2019
Siblings that don't help us out have no clue what we go through taking care of our parents. My brother wouldn't/couldn't do what I do!
You said a mouthful and no truer words were ever spoken. I hear you loud and clear! Thanks for your input. It helps to know others truly understand.

I hope things get better for you, me and all others in our situation.
Helpful Answer (1)

When siblings criticize, is that direct or overheard on the phone? If overheard, ignore. Older people tend to run on about negative things - our mom did! It's worse with dementia - especially when they forget they said X, or forget how/what was done. I often heard mom misquote things to others long before dementia! This may be more true when one becomes unwilling/unable to do things that occupied their time previously.

If the siblings call you to complain and/or criticize, ask them "So, when are you coming to take over?" You can always try telling them to either put up or shut up. Or you can, as suggested, keep a diary of sorts for a while, and send the details to them. Ask if they have a suggestion for how to accomplish what needs to be done different rather than just criticizing. If they have no suggestions, then they have no intent to help.

You cannot make them help - that has to come from them. Many don't want to commit to anything. It is so much easier to criticize and unless/until they experience it all, they are clueless. My brothers are useless. One's response to my plea about not being able to handle it all was to just yell at me to "give it up." No suggestion for who takes over or what to do. None of us physically care for her other than me helping her when she was still in her own place. Everything else I have been managing/organizing 99% by myself.

As I posted in other threads, you can pick your nose, you can pick your seat, but you can't pick your family. Despite the loving families portrayed in TV shows/movies, life is not always like that. Some people have families like that, many others do not. I learned LONG ago that you cannot change others, you can only change how YOU react to them/handle things. YOU know what you do for your mother. YOU know you are doing your best. The doctors feel you are doing a great job, so IGNORE them. If need be, don't take calls from them. Let the call go to voicemail. Their messages might irk you, but by not taking the call you won't get into any discussions with them. That helps by not getting you upset. I have actually drafted emails that never got sent - sometimes that is a way to get it all out but not ruffle any feathers. I held off sending them so as to avoid getting into a pissing match. But it felt better just getting it out and documented!

"She is so happy to hear from them and it’s the old, keep the peace story. I understand that she misses them but I feel hurt that she allows them to speak badly about me, her daughter who does everything for her. My siblings do not know her daily routine."

Typical. Often when mom was living alone and didn't have dementia I would hear the non-local brother calls me EVERY Sunday (emphasis was hers!) Did not matter that I called more often or stopped by to help out with tasks. The other brother helped out with things she needed done, but she started asking me if I ever see/hear from him, because he doesn't call or visit... But oh, the golden boy could do no wrong! Last time he came up to visit (MC now for 2 years), I got the usual "What are you doing here?" and "Where'd you come from?" and then she saw him!!!  OOOOOOh!!! OOOOOH! Couldn't fawn over him enough! Yet while here to help prep condo for sale, I encouraged him to visit her. He went once and refused to go again, stating he didn't know what to do with her. Mmmmmm.... Yep. They get all weepy, professing to care, but do nothing. It will be interesting to see how they behave at burial services... My mother always used to say "If you can't be bothered to see me when I am alive, don't bother coming when I am dead!" It's one of the few things she believes in that I agree with!!!

So, do the best you can to ignore their criticism. If you must, send documentation about what you are doing, relate that to what mom says isn't true and ask them to take over if they think they can do a better job! Instead of focusing on their negativity, use that time to take care of YOU!
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