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I have personal and professional experience with this. My grandma who is 88 has dementia and she does sleep a lot, but 18 hours seems excessive. People in the later phases of dementia do sleep more. I wonder if she is sleeping some of the time out of boredom? Is she in a facility? Is she being cared for at home? Are you still able to connect with her in some way? Try bring in old music, or movie, pictures and dolls into her life and engage her. There are book about engaging those with dementia. I would call your doctor but I would try to increase her engagement and see what happens.
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My mom spends lot of time in bed much of it sleeping but she is wide awake when I wake her in the afternoon. I thought I was interrupting her nap and tried going earlier but she was in bed asleep at 10:00 a.m., too.

I think it is a way of retreating from the confusion of memory loss. It has been along time since she was able to read a book because she cannot remember the plot or who the characters are. I notice that she doesn't have TV on anymore and I think she just can't follow what is happening on the news and forget about films--or can she remember how to turn it on! It has been years since she was able to change channels. Conversation is tricky because she can't remember what people have said--but then no one else where she is can either.

So wha tis there to stay awake for? She still can and loves to play cards so that is what we do. But the Others can't be playing cards all day long. So, she sleeps.

She's 90 and quite content with things. What can you do?
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18 hours a day--that's a lot of hours. The problem with being in bed all the time is decreased mobility will give a higher predisposition toward clots or pneumonia. Muscles, bones get weaker and higher risk for falls. She sounds bedridden already. Of course you did not give enough data--how long she been like this or is this a sudden change..if it's a sudden change, get her to the Emergency Room.
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Lynette you clearly ARE worried or you wouldn't have asked the question. Give the docs a call and ask them if this is normal - given the medication she is on. If this has come on suddenly I would be worried too if it has been a very gradual progression then not so much. BUT if there has been a change of meds recently then I would definitely ask the question your Mum may be experiencing a negative interaction between two drugs. Before you get all angsty about the doctor some meds are fine together in one person but not in another and only through vigilance can a doctor know although you should ALWAYS monitor someone when a change of meds occurs in case this does happen.

I hope that helps you make a decision about what to do next
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My mom has dementia and is 83. She sleeps from 540pm to 7 am. They go thru a lot during the day. A lot we don't even know about. If she is not overly medicated then I think it's normal for the course based upon my reading and experiences. I think at 93 she. Probably doesn't do much snywY. Let her rest.
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My father is 92 with dementia and I wish he would sleep. He roams around all hours of the night and doesn't sleep much in the day, either. I am exhausted!
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