Caregiver Support

  • Caregiving Is a Lot Like Football

    In both caregiving and football, the pressure is intense and teamwork can make all the difference. As a primary caregiver, you are the leader of a team that is working cooperatively toward the goal of providing excellent care.

  • The Benefits of Learning to Befriend Yourself

    It is important to learn how to be your own best friend and love yourself in order to be there and care for others. Here are some tips to learn to be your own best friend when caring for your elderly loved one.

  • Caregiver Olympics: Are You Game?

    Caregivers certainly perform feats worthy of gold medals on a regular basis. Experienced caregivers created a few suggestions for events that should be included in the caregiving version of the Olympic games.

  • How Gratitude Improves a Caregiver’s Physical and Mental Health

    High-pressure situations like caregiving can send people into a damaging spiral of stress and negativity. Practicing gratitude can help even the most frazzled family caregiver channel positivity and overcome negative thinking patterns.

  • Your Life: Pleasantly Purposeful, Or Dull Drudgery? You Decide

    Losing your life purpose while caring for a loved one is an unfortunately common side effect of being a caregiver. Here are 6 steps you can take to find purpose and meaning in your life.

  • Late Stage Caregiving for Parkinson's

    Tips from veteran Parkinson's caregivers on how to best prepare for the challenges of caregiving during late stage Parkinson's Disease.

  • Channel Your Inner Optimist to Overcome Caregiver Stress

    Cranky seniors, critical family members and financial strain can make it seem impossible for family caregivers to remain upbeat, but there are ways to maintain a positive outlook despite the challenges that come with caregiving.

  • Practical Tasks That Must Be Addressed at the End of Life

    There are many practical jobs that need to be done at the end of life when caring for your elderly loved one. These tasks both relieve the dying person and support the caregiver.

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  • How to Survive Caring for Multiple Elders at the Same Time

    Time management is never easy for family caregivers, but for those who are caring for more than one person, balancing it all can seem impossible. Use these tips to prioritize seniors’ needs, find respite care and avoid caregiver burnout.

  • What’s OK and What’s Not OK When You Are a Caregiver

    Managing stress while caregiving is a hard thing to do and most family caregivers are afraid to ask for help. Here's a caregiving expert's take on what new caregivers should know when you feel the stress of being a caregiver.

  • Journaling for Caregivers: Rediscover Yourself and Reclaim Your Life

    Writing in a journal about your thoughts, feelings and goals can help you make positive changes in your attitude, your health, your care plan and your life.

  • Mountaineer Climbs for Alzheimer's Awareness

    In just under one year, Alan Arnette accomplished what few have done; climbing the 7 Summits to raise awareness of Alzheimer's disease. His story reminds us that we should never under estimate the difference one individual can make.

  • Hindsight Can Be a Blessing or a Curse for Caregivers

    Things that may seem “clearer” to you in hindsight can still be distorted by difficult emotions—especially when it comes to a major life event like caregiving. Are your reflections on your time as a caregiver healthy, or are they doing you a disservice?

  • 13 Secrets that Make Caregiving Easier

    The right mindset is crucial for succeeding in any situation, especially caregiving. Discover how changing your approach can make your life as a caregiver a bit easier.

  • How to Choose Respite Care for Dementia Patients

    For caregivers and their loved ones with dementia, respite care is critical. Finding the best type of short-term dementia care depends on a senior’s mental and physical health, the extent of their care team’s support, and their budget.

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  • 30 Inspirational Quotes for Caregivers

    Has providing care for an aging loved one got you feeling frustrated and overwhelmed? Use these insightful caregiving quotes to lift your spirits on even the most difficult days.

  • 6 Reasons to Appreciate Your Job As a Caregiver

    Family caregivers persevere and wake up every day to face new challenges. Why? Because they care.

  • 8 Easy Ways to Improve Your Mood

    Don't let caregiving take over your life. Get inspired, improve your mood, celebrate life and take your challenges head on to be happy and make your life less stressed.

  • 8 Ways to Stop Caregiver Stress Now

    Has being a family caregiver affected your mental health? Take these simple steps to reduce your stress levels, beat caregiver burnout, and improve your quality of life.

  • 10 Tips for Communicating with a Senior

    Healthy, two-way communication can help family members understand and interact with one another more effectively. Use these tips to improve communication with a senior.

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