Caregiver Support

  • 10 Secrets of a Well-Balanced Caregiver

    No one said balancing your caregiver work load and your life was going to be easy. Here are some big tips that simplify caregiving and make your life a little easier to manage.

  • During a fight, I threatened to send mom to a nursing home. How can I get her to forgive me?

    No, you are not horrible—and I know exactly how you feel because my father was so difficult we had to threaten him with “Shady Pines” frequently.

  • "I Love My Mom But I Don't Like Her."

    We may love our parents because they are family, but that doesn't necessarily mean we like them as people. When caregiving responsibilities fall to you, how do you take care of parents who you don't like?

  • Is It Normal to Grieve Before Someone Dies?

    Grief doesn't just strike once a person dies. In fact, the grieving process can begin when a loved one is first diagnosed with a chronic condition or terminal illness. Learn how to recognize and cope with anticipatory grief.

  • What can I do about friends who don't support my caregiving?

    They want to be supportive, but they just can't for long periods of time, because they realize what you are describing is all ahead of them. For now, they aren't there yet, don't want to be, prefer denial--and it is just too unpleasant to listen to horror stories they can't fix.

  • Disease-Specific Organizations for Support and Information

    This list of national organizations can connect patients and family caregivers to resources, information and supports that are specific to certain health conditions.

  • Find Care & Housing
  • How can caregivers cope with the tragic loss of a parent to Alzheimer's?

    I found that reading caregiving statistics helped me feel less alone, especially the one about: “More than 50 million Americans are taking care of a family member or friend--and 20 million of them are Baby Boomers caring for an aging parent.”

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